View Full Version : i wish i could stop worrying!

11-05-2009, 05:15 AM
Hi everyone,
For the past few months i have been feeling increasingly anxious, cant sleep properly, getting nervous and scared for no apparent reason and getting tearful for what seems like no reason.

I am worse in the mornings, when i'm getting ready for work. i hate my job with a passion, i deal with angry/upset customers constantly, and feel like i cant cope with them. i really want out of this job, it does nothing for my health.

anyway, i finally went to the docs and have been signed off work with anxiety and given anti depressants... a few days later i get offered a job interview for the ideal job for me.. but the problem is, its still at the same place as my work, just a different department. i obviously cant go as i have been signed off work. i just feel awful and angry at myself for letting me get into this situation. i feel like im going to be stuck in a rut forever!

I don't really know why im posting this, i just cant stop worrying about it- i just needed somewhere to express how i feel, i dont feel i have much support at home!
anyway, thanks for any replies, this forum seems like a very helpful place, i hope i can lend my ears to u all too..

11-05-2009, 12:40 PM
You sound like you're in the same situation as me. If it is financially feasible, quit your current job; that is what I did and I don't regret it one minute. It sounds like you have an offer for a seemingly good job...is there any way you can make that happen?

It's not your fault, for the most part, for you being in that situation. You have simply been doing your best and now you are hitting a fork in the road. It is up to you to make a decision to either continue this crummy job where you know life will suck, or you can take a different direction which will lead to more personal happiness sometime in the future.

All I can say is to hang in there and do everything you need to do in order to take care of yourself; talking here is a great step. If you need to find another job, do that. Otherwise, keep talking to people and doing what it is that you need to do to reduce that stress level and increase your happiness. Hope this helps!