View Full Version : Help Needed

11-05-2009, 12:03 AM
Hi - I'm new to this site and just going through a bad patch this week. I posted the following in the Welcome section and wonder if it would be better posted here - if anyone could offer me some advice:
Hi everyone. I'm a 49 year old male, married with 3 kids. I have a full time job and have suffered with anxiety since about 2002. I had time off work 5 years ago and with the help of meds and self help have been back at work since. I came off the meds about 9 months ago and (not sure if it's related) but have been really struggling with work since then. I don't appear to have anxiety in my private life but it it's a nightmare at work. I have a few jobs on at work and yesterday I just panicked completely.. This morning I woke at 2.30am terrified about them and have been awake since worrying myself silly. I'm now feeling terrified of going to work and don't know what to do. My boss knows of my anxiety issues but I don't feel he's supportive so I don't really feel like telling him how I feel, although I know I should. I feel stuck and have made an appointment with my doc for Friday to see if he can help. Sorry to have gone on a bit only a feel helpless at the moment.

11-05-2009, 02:30 AM
I'm sure you'll handle the jobs just fine.. I don't know what you do in particular, but I'm sure you have handled worse before. If not, take it as a challenge that you will overcome. Take it step by step, write down all the thoughts you have and try to see if they are rational or not. Good luck.

11-05-2009, 07:21 AM
I am also having problems at work. I am new this whole anxiety thing, and finding it really really difficult to focus on my job. For the time being I am just sticking with it, and doing the best I can under the circumstances.

Sorry I can't offer any useful advice. However, I would also be very keen to hear from others to see how they are handling anxiety at work. Unfortunately I can't take my meds while I am at work as they make me too drowsy & sleepy, so for now I am just dealing with the anxiety & panic attacks as they happen.

11-05-2009, 11:44 AM
Thanks to both of you for your replies. The fog has lifted a little to allow me to try and rationalise my situation rather than being in the long dark tunnel of despair and self pity. I'll see what my GP has to say tomorrow and I've also a meeting with my HR advisor in the afternoon just to chat over my problems and see what solutions we can come up with. Niq, I used to take escitalopram in the evenings before bed and found it effective the following day without the drowsiness.

11-05-2009, 04:26 PM
Thanks for the tip, I will speak to a doctor about escitalopram. I still haven't told my supervisor about what I'm going through. If I don't get my efficiency back up he's going to start asking questions soon. I think I might have to tell him.

11-10-2009, 12:05 AM
Hi Guys

Well I went to the appointment with my GP who was really understanding. He used to be an occupational health doctor and understood how my anxiety was effecting me at work. He said he doesn't want to put me on meds again and trying to book me in with a psychologist, subject to waiting lists.I saw the HR woman at work and we had a good chat although whilst I have a strategy for helping at work, it doesn't really help with my anxiety.

Over the weekend I did some reading around this site and in particular Hamino's post on amino acids and mental health. I thought that sounds good and have bought some of the supplements and will give those a go too. I started them on Saturday and no doubt they will take time to have effect but I had a good day yesterday, when, dare I say it, I didn't have that sick, scared feeling at work. It came back later in the evening though and is here with me this morning, bit I suppose I need to take one day at a time.