View Full Version : Crying for no reason..or not knowing the reason for crying

11-04-2009, 10:14 PM
I was curious if anyone else gets like this. Lately each night I always start crying for no real reason. It doesn't matter what I am doing. And I haven't been in any bad mood...I just start to cry and my husband looks at me like I have 30000 heads cuz he doesn't understand how a person can cry without having a reason....does anyone get like this???

11-05-2009, 05:22 AM
i too get tearful for no reason alot, i don't sleep very well so i think being tired makes me worse.
my partner gets frustrated with me as he has to have an explanation for everything and i cant give him a reason as to why im crying! it makes me feel guilty for the way i feel and then i get more upset! its a never ending cycle :(
but no you're not alone, i get like this too!

11-05-2009, 12:44 PM
People only cry when something is bothering them. Is there a significant personal loss occurring or are you experiencing some traumatic event? No, it doesn't sound like it.

But, Kymee, I read in your other post that you were very stressed and worried in life. I have noticed that after long periods of stress and worry in my life that I feel very emotional and upset, but I'm a man, so I don't cry. What I would advise is that if you want to stop feeling this way, find what it is that you need to do in order to get back your sanity. Quit the job and find something you love. Reduce all other areas of stress in your life to the degree that these areas are under your control. Find new friends if the ones you have are mean. Pick up a new hobby; you'll feel very proud of yourself for mastering a new task. Be fearless and rigorous and don't compromise and eventually you will be happy once again.

11-06-2009, 06:47 AM
Crying and not knowing why is a very common sign of depression. Please be aware that Anxiety often causes depression so dont worry your not going mad but try to get some help.