View Full Version : Losing Weight to cure anxiety

Captain Deep Breath
11-04-2009, 11:51 AM
I learned that Anxiety can take a lot of confidence out of you, so i'm figuring you need all the confidence you can get to fight anxiety.

I heard that losing weight can be as effective as anti-depressants for helping with anxiety. And obviously going from fat to phat probably does wonders for your confidence levels.

I'm currently around 30-40 pounds overweight and am taking this challenge. Anyone with a similar situation? Maybe we can motivate each other and keep score of our progress. Sort of like a "the biggest loser" challenge, but on the Forum.

Any takers? Thoughts?

11-04-2009, 03:05 PM
What's interesting is that what is making you overweight could be giving you the anxiety! When I crashed and burned 2 years ago I was 55 lbs overweight. With much research and help from my docs, we found I had severe food allergies and insulin resistance. Those two items were major triggers as to why I had anxiety and panic attacks.

I switched up my diet by eliminating the trouble foods and ate to balance my blood sugar. Then I took supplements to repair the insulin resistance. Meanwhile, I lost 55 pounds WITHOUT TRYING! Plus the anxiety and panic attacks have disappeared.

I did go from fat to PHAT. Plus I feel better that I have in my entire life. And I must say, I'm feeling "fine" too! That piece definitely helps the anxiety ;)


11-04-2009, 08:15 PM
Hey I'm up for the challenge! I have also heard that what u eat can cause anxiety! I have had anxiety for a year come april but no huge issue just minor! I can control mine somewhat now that I know more about it! Anyways I currently weigh 175 and I am supposed to weigh 145 my bmi is 30 ihv two kids 5 and 15 months and am a huge addict to caffiene and cigarettes and hv been battlin anxiety totally med free so far post reply if interested

11-06-2009, 06:50 AM
Interesting topic Captain Deep Breath

I'm trying to loose weight to in the hope of feeling better about myself. There is always on bring KFC into my office dam those people haha.

good luck with it, i hope it works for you.

Captain Deep Breath
11-06-2009, 02:20 PM
Hey guys,

Thanks for the replies, quitting smoking was also a big thing for me. That has to help. My first panic attack i thought for sure something was wrong with my lungs, i couldn't breathe, so i had that breathing fixation since then. Getting thin, in shape and quitting smoking should do wonders.

Starting Weight: 220
Current Weight: 217
Goal: 190
Smoking: over 7 months quit

I will reply back to this topic every Saturday with a status update. Please do the same. Knowing that we have to show results every week should keep us motivated. NO LYING lol

Captain Deep Breath
07-30-2010, 08:38 AM
Wow so i haven't really kept my part of the deal have I?

Anyways it's been over a year now.. still overweight but I've made some progress. Definitely feeling better too!

Starting Weight: 220
Current Weight: 206
Goal: 190
Smoking: 1 year 4 months quit

07-30-2010, 11:39 AM
Hey Captain,

Weight loss can sure make you feel good, but there is something so much more than that, thats your mindset...

To get FREE access to a powerful tool that can LITERALLY change every aspect of your life click the link below...

All the best

Louise Evans