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11-03-2009, 01:42 AM

ok, after my 5th night of no more than 2 hours sleep really need some advice. i seem to be ok getting to sleep then my anxiety is waking me up after 2-3 hours sleep and i cant get back to sleep again because im stressing/really anxious - has anyone else had this? - any advise? - i need ot get some sleep as its really startign to effect me now.....


11-03-2009, 01:56 AM
Have you tried over the counter sleeping pills? My mom needs to take them sometimes for the same reason.

Why don't you write down all the thoughts you are having in your mind down on a piece of paper, or just type it out. That way it all is out of your head? That sometimes helps me when I'm having trouble with sleep.

11-03-2009, 09:49 AM
I went threw the same thing. This went on for almost 2 months. Try putting a note pad by your bed and write down what's on your mind. I would write down what was worrying me and after a while i noticed that it was stuff that wasn't important or i wouldn't really control anyway.

11-06-2009, 02:56 AM
thanks for tips - i'll certainly try writing things down to see if that helps

11-06-2009, 07:31 PM
Im having a similar problem. Usually i am able to fall asleep for about 4 hours but then i wake up around 3 or 4 am. Last night I was actually able to sleep for 7 hours which was awesome so hopefully I can continue that.

But things that have helped me are making sure that the room is completely dark. sometimes i go on youtube and search for relaxing music. there are playlists that will play many songs. so i listen to that and i just try to focus on my breathing. Also writing things down helps sometimes.

good luck

hope things get better

11-09-2009, 04:54 AM
I too have great trouble in sleeping :(

Racing mind and back ache are the main things that keep me awake.

The BEST thing i ever did was have acupuncture, honestly it really worked for me and they give me some tubes of what i can only describe as soy sauce lol to help me sleep, but it does work.

Very expensive but it's worth every penny.

11-11-2009, 08:09 PM
I know that this sounds strange, but try staying away all night, going to work or college, then going to bed at a reasonable hour say 9 -10pm and you should be tired and sleep through and get back to your routine xx

11-13-2009, 09:01 PM
yes I have had this real bad, about two weeks ago, It would unravel me so bad, because I felt like my brain just didn't want to shut down. With my experience there was a lot of anticipitory stress/anxiety because i had a big test for work coming up. When the test was over, I slept just fine that Night. It's a different experience for me because I have never expereinced that before because that test comes up once a year, that was my third. I have never experienced that before.

More in depth, I could barely get to sleep for 2 hours a night for almost 5 days straight. It was painfull, I did not like it. It's horrible. Insomnia is painful.

I think a lot of it is in the mind in fact most of it is. I would almost fall asleep and I would conciously recognise that I was falling alseep, and that recognition would wake me up, even though I was exhausted. Makes a 28 year old man cry. Try getting 9 hours of sleep in 5 days.

I went and bought some Sominex (over the counter sleep aid), It's still sitting on top of my micro wave and unopened. I have been sleeping well.

I give this adivse a lot, with anxeity symptoms and sleeping in general. Try Abdominal breathing, right when you think you should stop continue to breath abdominally. Right when you don't think your about to go to sleep continue it. It has helped me with getting to sleep for sure.

good luck

11-15-2009, 06:07 AM
I have sleeping problems to.

For a while i was replying on drugs such as Tamazepam to help or even by taking Tramadol pain killers as they would make me sleepy but i soon realised this was the wrong way of going about it. I read a few articles online then saying that as long as you understand teh importance of your body having rest sleeping is not an issue. I only only get a couple of hours sleep a night but i let my body rest for about 8 hours a night. for the first few hours i will play music by ENYA or watch youtube meditation videos, then i will fall asleep, if i wake up early hours i will listen to music again and just let my body to continue to rest

I cant stop the thoughts that come in my head but when i am listening to music whilst listening to these thoughts my mind makes a lesser deal of them if that makes any sense

11-15-2009, 04:12 PM
the two things ive found help me..

1) i have an under pillow speaker, pretty cheap on ebay, and i have that on low with dolphin music, bird song, sea noises etc..
its not enough to keep me awake, but its enough for there to be something peacful to listen to that keeps my mind occupied and stops me thinking

2) only really applicable if you suffer from teeth grinding, but i picked up "The Doctor's NightGuard" from the us.. cost i think about $10 and has had a dramatic effect.. no more waking up with sore jaw.. .is a godsend..