View Full Version : why do get the feelings that i have a serious disease

11-02-2009, 08:20 PM
i get scared constantly that i have a serious disease or a tumor especially cancer and i cant stand it it makes me worry constantly and i feel like im the only on who has this?

11-02-2009, 08:38 PM
Nope I have this as well. I got a CT scan done, and everything was normal. .. But of course I think there is something else wrong. Now that I have had the CT scan I keep thinking my kidneys are going to fail due to the contrast dye that they used. It sucks.. The drs say everything is normal though. You are definitely not alone.

11-02-2009, 08:41 PM
thank you i justt hought i was alone i hate these feelings its undescribable and most peope dont uderstand its nice to know that people have the same thing i do

11-03-2009, 06:01 PM
Yes that is some form of hypochondria most likely. Hey, everyone struggles with something. I worry incessantly about various things that will never happen. If you are really worried, go see the doctor and have some tests done (but be ready cause it will cost $$$). If they tell you nothing is wrong, then they are probably right and everything is okay. In all likelihood you are okay, it's just another challenge for you to work on.

11-03-2009, 11:36 PM
Me personally i think that we feel we have something physically wrong with us as we can't understand how the emotional feelings and sensations can make us physically feel the way we do, so we contanstly worry that we have something drastic wrong with us when in fact its only our body reacting to the anxiety / panic.

11-05-2009, 02:06 PM
I feel the same way, the problem is, I worry that I have MS and a lot of the psysical symptoms of anxiety are similar to those of MS... so it continues to feed itsself, its so hard to try and convince myself on a daily basis that it's the anxiety..... i just can't believe that that's what it is... :cry: