View Full Version : Derealization scary

11-02-2009, 05:39 PM
Okay, so im sixteen and ever since i panicked while having a driving lesson, i have been left with derealization. It has been about 3 months, and im just so scared of it. i canthelp thinking, "what if" it is something elsethat caused this and not anxiety. I also did have other anxiety symptoms aswell. And was spending alot of time worrying about my health ( always been a hypochindriac) but now all i worry about is this derealization.

Any advice/help please
Kirby x

11-02-2009, 06:44 PM
Hi Kjm

Its a classic symptom to think there is something else wrong and the worry feeds our anxiety more, sometime we don't understand our emotional feelings or how anxiety can cause such physical symptoms, then we start thinking we have something physically wrong with us.

Its a good idea to discuss your feelings with your parents, health care professional or a friend that you can trust, its a very common thing anxiety and panic so your not alone in the way you feel.

Hope this helps re assure you a bit and you start to feel better.

I cant diagnose that you have anxiety ( it more than likely is ) or that its not anything else, if it continues please discuss it with some one

11-02-2009, 06:59 PM
Hi 1970,
thanksfor the reply.
i have discussed this with parents and one of them knows about this and sayd it is deffinetly anxiety. since i have always showed symptoms as a child. And also went to doctors and got full bloos test, i just cant let the sensation go. And keep obsessing ove rit.

11-02-2009, 07:30 PM
Its hard to let go and stop thinking about it
This might help, when you get these feelings try to change your thought

Count back from 100 , or think of something that you really enjoy doing concentrating on that alone, re assure yourself thats its only anxiety and its not going to physically harm you, tell yourself that these feelings will pass

I know its easy to say these things but making them work is harder, sometimes it works for me sometimes it doesnt

Just remember the feelings will pass and they will not physically harm you, you have survived these feelings before and you will again.

Keep at it and try to stay positive, sounds like you have support of your parents which is great thing to helping you over come this

Good luck with it

11-02-2009, 07:38 PM
thankyou heaps 1970, i really apreciate the adivice
and its good to know im not alone.

11-06-2009, 06:41 AM
I finaly beat Anxiety a few months back but was left with de-realisation (brain fog) this left me unable to concentrate and feel woosy all the time, the only time i get some relief is when im in bed at night.

So far my studies have come back mainly blank on a possile cure to this nightmare im living everyday. However im not stopping and i wanted to share somethings with you that may help.

As far as im aware De-realisation is triggered by over thinking, most likely what happens is that you suffer from Anxiety and your body does some crazy things casuing you to over analize every symptom that his you thus concentrating on your symtoms 24/7. Eventually your mind will be exhusted and will enter a state of de-realisation (basicly over tired).

Now as an Ex Aniety suferer i know it is not possible to just stop paying attention to you very real symptoms, so i feel the key is to get a medication that will stop you overthinking "yes" they are out there and they do work but i just cant remember the name of the one i had Doh!

Ok so we know i have no yet found a cure yet however there are things that make it worse that you may want to know about. The first one is the most important of all "sleep" dont forget you mind has had enough and is screming out for a rest, try the best you can to get more sleep even taking sleeping tablets if required.

Vitamins: Try to give your Brain some fuel by taking Vitamin B complex, this does help a little with de-realisation over time and helps you to think better.

Busy places: Ever noticed how It's always worse when people are rushing by you? Well you Brain is working hard to process all the moving people and makes a drain on you, crazy i know but this is how it works.

Florescent Lighting: Another thing that makes de-realisation worse, not sure entirely why but im guessing it's how fast the light flickers.

Suger: Now you have to be carefull with this as too much can make Anxiety worse but it can also have a possitive effect if your too low on it.

Alcohol: Bad news im afraid, this will make you much much worse so try to avoid it where possible if not all together. Sucks!!!!

Ciggerettes: Again this will make it worse but only for a short period of time.

Asprin: Not 100% sure about this but i myself appear to have a fairly good response to a small amount of asprin daily.

Excercise: This will make you feel worse when doing it however when you do it releases good chemicals into your body that may help you combat this. If you find it hard to do, try walking at a steady pace.

As i said the main factor so far is sleep and not paying it attention, i hope this helps you out some what.

If i get anymore tips or even a possible cure i will be back to share it.

Remember Anxiety can be beaten with a posstive attitude healthy diet and time.

Good luck :)

11-06-2009, 06:45 AM
Jeez so many spelling mistakes haha.

I blame on my de-realisation.

1970 has some great points nice to see active people helping out.

11-06-2009, 06:47 PM
wow. thanks coops.
Very reasuirng to know im not alone,
i just doen understand how this is like a safety mechnaism for your mind, when its just so terrifying. Its like im in a dream, or not sure where i am (ofcourse i really know, but you get me)

Thanks for the advice.
My mum doesnt reallywantme on medication, but i will tlak to her.
anything to stop this feeling anything....

11-06-2009, 07:09 PM
I finaly beat Anxiety a few months back but was left with de-realisation (brain fog) this left me unable to concentrate and feel woosy all the time, the only time i get some relief is when im in bed at night.

I think that this feeling of unreality and 'blahness' after true anxiety has left you should be looked at as more of an 'aftermath' than some separate problem. As you say, mental fatigue is likely a big part of it. As for searching for a 'cure', this is probably the wrong thing to do, ESPECIALLY if mental fatigue is truly the issue. Rather, patience and acceptance are the best remedies. Remember that, much like the more severe stages of your anxiety disorder, this is NOT something that you are going to be over in short order. You may have had to deal with anxiety disorder for a few years or more. So you can't expect for your feelings of unreality to be over in a month or two.

11-06-2009, 08:03 PM
thanks for the input.

ive heard many times, accept and it will go.
it sjust i find it so hard to do so, cos the feelings
are so scary. And it makes me question how htis is just a tired mind,
im constantly worried its soemthing bad, like a brain tumour.
anyone worried about htis while oging through derealization?
any tips onhow to stop what ifs?

11-06-2009, 08:41 PM
There is some great advice in this thread.

I have GAD with the odd panic attack thrown in for good measure. I find that I am definitely more susceptible to feelings of derealisation in the days following a panic attack. This is consistent with the theory that depersonalisation stems from mental fatigue.

If I go to a busy shopping centre in the days following a panic attack I will almost certainly get a feeling of derealisation (even though my level of anxiety has not changed). Perhaps the brain is decreasing our level of consciousness in order to cope with the overwhelming increase in stimulus?

coops025; when I read through your list of tips I was amazed at how familiar it sounds... especially the sugar thing. I was binging on sugar for a whole week when I had my first DP episode. That was before I knew what was going on and how to treat it.

I think Robbed is right. Give your brain time to recover and it will go away. It took me ~12 days to 'snap out' of my first bout of derealisation/depersonalisation. After that there were days when I felt 100% normal again. The DR has come back now, but I attribute it to the panic attack I had a few days ago.

11-06-2009, 09:20 PM
also, i was just wondering that when your derealization is severe, is it common to feel as if you forget who and where you are for like a short second. (even though you dont really). but its kind oflike BAM, where am i? what am i doing? and then comes the feeling like your in a dream.

Sorry, for the questions but this derealization has got me deep in a hole at the moment.

11-07-2009, 12:18 AM
also, i was just wondering that when your derealization is severe, is it common to feel as if you forget who and where you are for like a short second. (even though you dont really). but its kind oflike BAM, where am i? what am i doing? and then comes the feeling like your in a dream.

Sorry, for the questions but this derealization has got me deep in a hole at the moment.

Yep i get that, to me its like waking up from a deep sleep and wondering where you are and whats going on

It only last a few seconds most times with me but it feels like ages and its a scary thing, then i progress to feeling tingley and dizzy and start looking for an exit out of there, although i dont physically get outside i still look for the exit

11-07-2009, 01:00 AM
thanks 1970 for the reply.
its quite scary.
today seems to be worse, those feeling are constant.
maybe due to being tired

i will keep hanging in there x

11-07-2009, 06:24 AM
thanks 1970 for the reply.
its quite scary.
today seems to be worse, those feeling are constant.
maybe due to being tired

i will keep hanging in there x

Keep at it

have a read of the couple of links about it, might help you a bit and show you how common it is



11-07-2009, 10:04 PM
thanks for the links

11-09-2009, 04:31 AM
I had this much worse over the weekend and i know why. I found that spending alot of time infront of a computer screen makes de-realisation worse, i started to have crackely tunnel vision :(

My next step is to try Hanio's Amino acid idea as Amino's are linked strongly to the Brains functions. Amino Acid is horrble, im not looking forward to it haha.

Anyway i had a great nights sleep last night so my day is going better than normal whooo!!

If i get any progress i will keep you updated.

Robbed: I had de-realisation at the hight of my Anxiety but i had no idea what it was then, i assumed it was some form of dizzyness for a while.

11-09-2009, 04:34 AM
Robbed: I had de-realisation at the hight of my Anxiety but i had no idea what it was then, i assumed it was some form of dizzyness for a while.

Unreality is typically experienced at all stages of anxiety disorder. But it appears to be one of the longest lasting symptoms of anxiety disorder. Chances are it was one of the first symptoms to appear. And it is probably going to be the last to disappear. Anyway, one thing I find that REALLY helps with unreality is to spend time outdoors in nature. Simply going for a hike outdoors or even a drive seems to help ALOT.

11-09-2009, 05:07 AM
Interesting point Robbed. I normally feel much better when im in my bedroom relaxing under normal light and worse when i go outside :(

I try and force myself to go out as much as possible to try and allow my mind to overcome it but i always fail and end up feeling tired.

Only because i have had good days and bad days gives me hope because the good days exist, i know there must be somthing that makes it better.

11-09-2009, 06:46 AM
I went to the vitamin store over my lunch and ended up speaking with one of the store assistant and guess what.....?? She used to suffer from De-realisation (brain fog) too!!

After a long discussion with her she explained that the most common cause is due to the adrenal gland which takes a battering during stress and Anxiety. The problem with the adrenal gland is that is does not recover so easy and requires some help in order for it to function as it's supposed to. I have only had a few minutes to google around and read more into it.

She said the best solution was "Liquorice Root" this cost me £7. This apparently helped her to recover.

Anyway im going to start taking these today and report back with the progress. fingers crossed!!!

11-09-2009, 10:54 PM
Coops025, very interesting about the shop assitant,
did she mention how long it took for her to recover?

11-10-2009, 06:35 AM
No she was rushed and i did wonder that later yesterday evening. I had a better day yesterday prob because i had a very good sleep, but last night was not great so im feeling worse today :(

As the Adreanal gland takes a long time to repair itself im guessing this may take a while.

Will keep you updated on my progress and if i find anymore info.

Fingers crossed guys and girls :)

11-10-2009, 09:50 PM
thanks coops,
really apreciated and goodluck also

11-11-2009, 10:41 AM
I have also found that being outdoors helps with derealisation. Last time I went fishing and dangled my feet in the water. Outdoors with cardio is even better, such as mountain biking.

My derealisation subsided a couple of days ago and I had 2 blissful days derealisation-free. However tonight I am getting hammered by panic attacks, so I think I might be spending the next few days in my own little reality again :(

I am eager to hear how you go with the liquorice roots.

11-11-2009, 05:20 PM
Florescent Lighting: Another thing that makes de-realisation worse, not sure entirely why but im guessing it's how fast the light flickers.

funny you say this.. one of the biggest problems i have had since anxiety took hold six months ago is supermarkets..the worst being our local morrisons where you walk in from outside and are literally blinded by the light its so bright.. within 10 yards of walking in im feeling tense and anxious..

ive also found i actually struggle walking around the aisles there.. they are very long, hundreds of tins piled on them, all very flat, well presented, forward facing, but my eyes just get baffled by the complete variety of things on the shelves.. i actually find it a real struggle to shop there.. most of our grocery shopping online anyway, but ive found if i shop in the store we just buy the same old things every time because we know where they are and can go straight to them...

another thing ive really struggled with is fencing... not any old fencing, but on the way to the supermarket we cycle along a little lane, that runs by some allotments with fencing like this

OK.. i cant post an image, but if you google image search on palisade fence you will see what im talking about...

cycling along, as you pass the fence light shines through it almost like a strobe effect.. that spins me out big time...

11-11-2009, 07:59 PM
I used to get this all the time,

I know it is easy to say, its just anxiety it cant hurt you, but it takes time for you brain to process the information.

Keep telling yourself its anxiety it cant hurt you, and stop worrying about your symptoms and it will start to go away xx

11-11-2009, 09:58 PM
Yes, i agree supermakets make it 100x worse for me.
Derealization, is so fusturating for me, 2 days i was going good - DR wasnt as bad then BAM today it hit me.

This is what i dont understand....
I wasnt anxious or anything ....

11-12-2009, 12:56 AM
Patterns are another thing that makes my derealisation really bad.
Some examples;
- Walking on the cobbled roads in europe with that characteristic arc pattern
- Walking down narrow hallways with a repetitive wallpaper
- Looking at large windows with slatted blinds

Kym_x; it is the same for me. I don't usually get DR while I am anxious. It is always in the days following intense anxiety/panic attacks. Staying calm won't get rid of the DR immediately... it just goes away with time.

I also find shopping centres especially bad. The sounds seem to all blend together and sense of where the sounds are coming from is lost. But the kids screaming sound 10x louder than anything else.

11-12-2009, 05:17 AM
Supermarkets are a nightmare!!

I think the lights and the amount of people are just too much for the brain to process when you suffer from De-realisation (brain fog).

By the way i seem to be having a possive effect from the liquorice root i got from the vitamin store a few days ago. Not sure if this will be a complete cure but i feel things are much clearer for me. My vision seems to be clearer with less of the crackly bits we seem to have.

Just so you are all aware i am still taking Vitamin B complex daily so this and liquorice root maybe working together.

I will keep you all posted :)

11-12-2009, 09:52 PM
Coops, wow thats great news about the liquorice root.
will be great to hear if the postive effect stays.
if so, i will certainly be giving it a go.


11-14-2009, 07:57 PM
Supermarkets are a nightmare!!

I think the lights and the amount of people are just too much for the brain to process when you suffer from De-realisation (brain fog).

By the way i seem to be having a possive effect from the liquorice root i got from the vitamin store a few days ago. Not sure if this will be a complete cure but i feel things are much clearer for me. My vision seems to be clearer with less of the crackly bits we seem to have.

Just so you are all aware i am still taking Vitamin B complex daily so this and liquorice root maybe working together.

I will keep you all posted :)

what form is this root in.. ive found it online for £1.99 for 100g.. im just wondering how much that is, how many sticks that is likely to be...

considering getting some.. if nothing else it gives me something to chew on rather than a cigarette as im cutting down more and more..

11-15-2009, 10:21 PM
coops, you mentioned about how our vision is kind of crackly ect.
mine is like staticy, probably same thing as crackly, and also foggy.
things just arent clear.

also i was wondering if derealization causes anyone to feel kind of lightheaded?

11-16-2009, 05:01 AM
Yeah thats part of the brain fog and this liquorice root is helping me alot, in fact it's the only thing that has shown to have a possitive effect. I can say im about 40% better now im on this stuff. Not sure if i can expect more from it over time but hey im just happy it's its helping me.

Lightheaded is also part of it but can be caused by other things with Anxiety.

After a few days taking liquorice root, things just became much clearer, the crackly vision was the first thing i noticed to fade away all be it not fully.

I bought the liquorice root from Holland and Barret (UK) here is the link also just incase it may have differant things in it that others on the market.

http://www.hollandandbarrett.com/pages/ ... ot&rdcnt=1 (http://www.hollandandbarrett.com/pages/product_detail.asp?pid=130&searchterm=liquorice%20root&rdcnt=1)

11-16-2009, 09:20 PM
I had a session with my therapist yesterday morning. During the session I was questioned as to why derealisation makes me feel ‘disinterested’. It's a very good question, but I wasn’t able to provide a clear answer at the time. After giving it some thought I have come up with the analogy below, in an attempt to explain why I feel 'disinterested' when I am in a state of derealisation. I would be keen to know if anyone else feels the same, or if I am messed up in my own special way :)

Imagine coming home one day to find that someone had swiped your 50” HD flatscreen plasma and replaced it with an old analog TV. When you sit down to watch your favorite TV show you would immediately notice the difference. The image isn’t as clear as what you are used to. The sound is flat and lacking in depth. You would find that the TV program you used to love suddenly isn’t as engaging as it used to be. The inferior image and flat sound just isn’t convincing enough to make you feel like you are part of the set. You might find yourself focusing less on the program, and instead thinking: ‘What the hell happened to my flatscreen? Did someone steal it? What if they come back again tomorrow? What will they take next?’

If you only ever had an analog TV and never experienced the wonders of HDTV, then this might be enough. You would probably be satisfied with the analog experience, blissfully unaware of the fact that while you are merely watching ant-sized figures kick a ball around on the field, others can see the sweat dripping down the players faces in the finest detail.

It is possible that over time you will get used to your new TV. After all, there is nothing actually WRONG with it. You can still see hear the dialog, and follow what is happening in the plot. With time you might even forget what it was like to have owned a HDTV. Was HDTV ever really that good? Maybe you are just clinging to over-hyped memories. Perhaps the image you are looking at now is as good as it has ever been? The problem is; you know that the differences between a good TV & a bad TV are only apparent when they are observed side-by-side, or at least in quick succession. How can you tell if your TV is adequate when watching TV is such a subjective experience, and you have no basis for comparison?

To tie the analogy back to derealisation: I feel disinterested when I am in this state because my sensory inputs seem to be lacking in richness. I do not find my environment engaging, and I am far more interested in answering the “Where did my TV go?” question. In much the same way that the HDTV-deprived person starts focusing on the TV itself instead of the program, I often find myself focusing on my conscience experience rather than enjoying it for what it is.

Can anyone else relate to this?

11-16-2009, 10:42 PM
great to hear about the liqorice root, planning to get some.

Nig, yes i can deffinetly relate.

11-16-2009, 11:07 PM
Dearlization was one of the first anxiety symptoms I had and it was the main cause of stress for me. All my other anxiety symptoms followed this, I literally woke up with it one day. I was never even told what it was or had a name for it till years later. This was about 11 years ago with my first bout of anxiety. I had no idea what it was it was the scariest thing, and still to this day after everything I've been through, I consider it the worst symptom of anxiety or panic. But I've never had it since...

For me it lasted about 3 months, it only got better after starting meds, sleeping allloot, massages, hypnotherapy (not recommended when you have derealization, I had a hard time with it!!) But basically, it was generally a thing that would go away itself with a lot of rest. But seriously, it does go away, so don't be afraid, my only recommendation is to take it easy, sleep as much as you can and your brain will repair this god awful thing.

Edit. I did want to add I think your mum is right for not wanting you to be on medication (others might disagree). More so because of your age and I would start with some conventional methods for anxiety treatment, like cbt therapy, diet changes, exercise etc. Sorry to be a nanna but I worry about these medications for young people as your brain is still developing :unsure:

11-16-2009, 11:09 PM
Belle, did you ever worry it was somehting worse.
Was your vision kindof wacky with it?

Thats my main problem, i cant stop the what ifs

11-16-2009, 11:28 PM
Ofcourse I did, I was only 20, no idea what anxiety was and thought I had a brain disease. I went for all different kinds if tests, ear tests, brain scans, I saw a neurologist incase it was epilepsy or something. I really thought I was going mad. I could never explain how I felt, the only way was like I was stoned 24/7 (hopefully you haven't been there! :lol: ) but really I couldn't describe it and sometimes I couldn't even stand on my feet thinking I would fall.
And my end diagnosis was stress, and I thought I'm not bloody stressed, I just came back from a holiday in Europe, going back to uni, going out with friends, life was good, what was going on????

But honestly, if you've been to the dr's and they all say it's anxiety, then it's anxiety and believe me, you won't fall or faint or it won't harm you in any way, you'll just feel like crap. But nothing else is wrong, perfetly healthy. You're body is alot stronger than you think and is there to protect you and it's what it's doing at the moment, your brain says it needs a rest that's all. People fight cancer after all, trust me you're strong and healthy and this will go away. Try not to think the worst because the worst will never come.

11-17-2009, 12:58 AM
Thanks heaps Belle, post was very helpful.
I went tot he doctor and explained how i was feeling, and he said we will do a full blood test just incase its thyroid.

All that came back fine.

11-17-2009, 02:11 PM
Just a quick update while im online guys n girls.

Ok so it doesnt seem to have cured my brain fog but im still 100% sure it has reduced my symptoms alot, my friends and family have noticed that im so much happier and more active since ive been on this stuff even though most dont know im taking it :)

Im looking into something else now called "gotu kola" which attacks brain fog from a differant angle but im not trying it for a while as i need to see how i go.

Hope your all doing well :)

11-18-2009, 12:19 AM
Great news coops, well done!
i will be tryng out the liquorice root myself..
and you mentioned you were also taking vitamin B?

I have a question reagarding derealization, do you think the sensations can change over time, for example ;
your improving, and you used to be in a full dream like state but your now in a semi- dream state. does this make sense?
And you thereofre find this new feleing weird because your so used to the full on derealization

Sorry for the weird question x

11-18-2009, 04:27 AM
No thats a good question and my answer might seem odd to you :)

Well now i feel slightly high and mellowed out, it's actually a nice sensation in some respects. Over time hmmm it started off with nausia/de-realisation then i managed to beat the nausia and was left feeling disorientated fuzzy and tired. Over time it did become slightly easier but not a great deal changed for months and months, it was only when i had a good nights sleep i noticed a slight improvment although this was temporary.

This is what im doing now:
Wake up and have one Vitamin B complex tablet and two Liquirice root capsules with my breakfast and a de-caff coffee. Late lunch take two more Liquirice root capsules with Red bush tea (great for Anxiety). Two more Liquirice root before bed and thats it. Thats the maximum you can have in one day according to the box, im going to reduce the dose next week.

You may want to try the asprin trick too. After reading somewhere that de-realisation can be caused by blood cells not being able to pass through the tiny viens in your brain, i decided to try taking asprin daily to thin my blood, remember only to take a very small amount as it can be bad for you. I only know this as my dad has to take half an asprin a day to keep him alive :unsure:

Going for a walk to speak to the vitamin shop lady today to discuss this some more with her to see what else she knows.

11-18-2009, 02:03 PM
Thankyou coops,

i might try the asprin, but i will be getting liquorice root tablets this weekend hopfully.
i really apreciate the advice

11-19-2009, 02:01 AM
got liqorice root capsules today and also vitamin B clomblex,
hopefully will have the same effect that it is on coops :)

11-19-2009, 02:14 AM
I hope it works for you too, im still around 40% better than what i was nothing else has changed yet, maybe it takes time but still i feel much better than what i used to :)

11-21-2009, 05:25 PM
Coops: did you find that with vitamin B or Liquorice root that you had an increase feeling of thirst ?

I seem tobe feeling very thirsty, with a dry mouth..
but i also know anxiety can cause htis too, but just curious.

11-23-2009, 02:57 AM
I cant say that i have noticed but im guessing you taking the root in a non capsule form. I opened the capsule once to see what it tasted like and that made my mouth feel some what dry.

I'm still the same by the way, no more improvments as yet but still much better than what i was. In saying that ive not slept properly for a while which makes it worse.

11-23-2009, 02:45 PM
Coops, im actually taking the capsule form,
not non-capsule. It could be the different brand though x

11-23-2009, 06:57 PM
ah well im chewing away on the root...

no idea how much is a sensible amount but one stick lasted me four days so i cant imagine that is in any way excessive..

makes your lips a bit tender after a while though.. bt it seems to help, wether its something in it, or just having something to chew on i dont know..

11-24-2009, 02:47 AM
lol i could not eat the stick of Liqurice root it's horrble :(

I dont know where you guys are from but im in the UK and bought it from the below link. Looking at the ingredients it also has Magnesium and some other stuff thrown in, cant tell you what because im at work at the moment. I think i posted it somewhere, will go find it for you :)

http://www.hollandandbarrett.com/pages/ ... ot&rdcnt=1 (http://www.hollandandbarrett.com/pages/product_detail.asp?pid=130&searchterm=liquorice%20root&rdcnt=1)

11-26-2009, 06:28 AM
I managed to go back to the shop today where i bought the Liqorice root from and spoke to the very helpfull lady from last time :)

She was over the moon at the possitive effect from the Liqorice i was taking and now i was ready for something new as it didnt continue to help me over a period of time. I asked about Gotu-Kola as ive read it is very good for brain fog, she was very excited as i told her i had trouble slepping and mild hair loss :roll: So anyway she said Kotu-Kola is great for Insomnia, hair loss and Brain fog. She went back into the adreanal glands and also thiroid glands which interlink with each othe in some way then went all technical on me so it didnt really go in :/

Anyway ive been off the Liquirice for a few days now to prep myself for the Gotu-Kola so here goes :D

Lets hope this stuff works too, i will post back in a few days to let you all know how its going.

11-26-2009, 06:58 AM
coops, I just had a quick read up on the Gotu-Kola and it sounds like it's worth a try. Thanks for the info. I didn't try the licorice root because my blood pressure is a bit on the high side, but I might give this one a crack (if I can find it).

I haven't had a bad bout of derealisation for about a week now, but it was back again today. Does anyone else feel constantly out-of-balance when they have derealisation? I can be sitting down on the couch and I just feel like the couch is going to fall away from under me. Very strange sensation. Just wondering if this is common?

11-26-2009, 08:08 AM
Hi Niq,

Ive read it only takes an hour for this to take effect which seems accurate, i feel very very relaxed from taking this and my syptoms appear to be slightly better but too early to say, im just loving how relaxed i feel right now :)

That was the down side of Liqurice Root with the Blood pressure, but im ok with that to be honest. I wanted to expore the Natural side by using herbs as a possible resolve to Brain fog and de-realisation.

I do find that De-realisation and Brain Fog have an effect on my balance, normally i notice that i dont walk in a straight line when walking down the street but thats not concering me to be honest.

11-30-2009, 09:23 AM
Ok back with an update.

I decided to tame down the Licorice Root to only 2 capsules a day, added Gotu Kola to my daily intake of herbal remedies and one vitamin B complex tablet.

I can safely say that this is defo helping me out alot, the Licorice root cleared most of my Brain fog and then then with adding the Gotu Kola i can sleep much better and my de-realisation has reduced by around 20-30%. My vision is much clearer now and i dont feel as tired throughout the day. Supermarkets have become easier to stay in for longer periods of time so this is really exciting for me as nothing i have tried has helped me as much as these combined. I am aware that Licorice Root can cause some unwanted problems with health but im prepared to take the risk as i can live with these symptoms as bad as they have been :(

11-30-2009, 08:51 PM
desterlization only really requirs a low level of aniextey...basicaly it is caused by adrenaline....i dont know if any1 remembers when they had there first fight but if they think back there arms went really light and u seemed more spaced out...this is an effect that adrenline has the body...so that u can prepare urself either to run or run. the problem with anxitey is it causing adrenaline to be released when not need which causes symptons of desterlization when it is not required..for example if ur geting chased by a lion it is perfectly acceptble u would actuly apreciate the desterlization...but you wouldnt apreicate them when u are under no threat at all and this can make them feel very scary.

i have always felt anxious but 2months ago...i had 3 panic attack 2in 1 day evan...since then i was taken to a level of scary sensation and exsperience that i wouldnt wish on any1...i came across this method and followed over the weeks and lil by little started to feel better. down to last week i had 1 symton left and 2 things to do...the last sympton was desterlization....and the 2 things was to go out clubing and to have my hair cut ( scared because last time i had a panic attack ). Anyway i got myself ready and went out with my friends...had a pretty good night got lil bit drunk...and got to sleep nicly...well when i woke i expsect to feel anixious because i was hungover..but i actly well fine and also noticed that my desterlization was gone. ( this is because durin the night out i had clamed down enjoyed myself and my thoughts was else where ) i feel great optimistic and couldnt wait to start feeling how i did literaly just 4months before...anyway my last goal was to get my hair cut...and u know what i did and left there feeling unstopable and evan larfed at myself for thinking how basic the causes of aniextey are but they cause us to fear so much...

Anyway a couple days later i came over a little bit anixous again..but i dont care cos i know i will deal with it and then ill feel fine again..

the way i did this is by studing the LIDNEN METHOD ...please let me say i am no computer no advertiser i just somone that got a copy of the method from a friend and listen to what the guy had to say...please dont not hesitate to check this guy out theres loads of free help and advice...and this can be cured...trust me iv listen to his method and it makes so much sense...and do be quite honest with you i didnt evan follow it hads much as it asks...and it still helped me...

plus i just want to thought with the girl that posted this....yh it is pretty scary ...but its honestly just a natural thing happening at the wrong time...if u would like to talk contact me...im not much older then u at 18 ..


12-01-2009, 10:31 PM
this topic seems to be very popular. I think the recovery will come if we are patient and go on with our daily lives no matter how hard it is. Mine has gotten better or that's what I think. Even though I feel the same way compared to the first time DR/DP hit me I am not scared of the feeling anymore.

12-02-2009, 12:22 AM
ajhenderson: your post really helped me , thankyou heaps.

i am trying to just go with the flow and be patient.
I am also booked in to talk to someone, since i had a very bad week last week.
Talking about it seems to help and if i learn to become more positive with things i believe i can beat this once and for all.

i would also lik eto thank everyone for the support and advice n this post.

12-07-2009, 05:18 AM
Quick update on my progress.

Im still doing much better with taking these Herbs and vitamin B complex. The Licorice root worked best for the Brain fog and the Gotu Kola is healping me very well with the De-realisation and is helping me to sleep :)

Christmas might be good after all :)

12-07-2009, 10:57 PM
Hi coops,
the liquorice root didnt have much of an impact on me, although it has made my skin alot softer haha.

I am still taking the vitamin B, maybe ill give Gotu Kola a go, since mine is more derealization then brain fog.
thanks for your update,
and its great to hear your doing so well!

12-08-2009, 02:59 AM
It's my best find yet :)

The Gotu-Kola took a couple of weeks to really kick in. It really helped me with de-realisation not a cure though i afraid.

12-08-2009, 12:31 PM
Okay, so im sixteen and ever since i panicked while having a driving lesson, i have been left with derealization. It has been about 3 months, and im just so scared of it. i canthelp thinking, "what if" it is something elsethat caused this and not anxiety. I also did have other anxiety symptoms aswell. And was spending alot of time worrying about my health ( always been a hypochindriac) but now all i worry about is this derealization.

Any advice/help please
Kirby x
Hi Kirby,

A others have said, most of us that suffer from this level of anxiety experience such feelings and sensations. Brain fog and derealization were some of the scariest symptoms for me, and like you, I was concerned I was losing my mind or had a brain tumor or something.

I too had all the medical tests done (MRI, CATscan, etc) and they found nothing. What is interesting is that when I was able to get past all of my anxiety problems, all of these scary side effects and symptoms literally disappeared from my life.

Of course get checked out medically, but what you describe is very common amongst anxiety sufferers and can likely be attributed to the high levels of stress you're putting yourself through with worry and anxiety.

You can beat it... hang in there and don't give up!

12-08-2009, 04:13 PM
thankyou steve :)

i am rob
12-08-2009, 09:01 PM
well you are scaring your self with what ifs... what ifs are part of anxiety. and i can answer your question it is most likely not something specific that started this being your only 16. you are not in a bad marriage or in a dead end job or a job you hate that you have all the sudden freaked out.

but take a step at life and ask what is bothering me to make me feel like this?? alot of people put their problems under the rug and they mess with your head cause you refuse to address the problem

12-20-2009, 07:48 PM
hey guys, been having quite a bad week.
Everything i look at just seems tomuch to take in,to bright but at the same time,not clear. Its liek im looking at the world,and even my home for the first time.

When is this going to end. :unsure:

01-11-2010, 10:09 AM
I know that many people think that such a fear is ridiculous but many may not know that it is actually much more common than you think.

01-17-2010, 08:20 AM
Amen to that. Some of you guys are really inspiring. What a world we live in eh? I'd be worried if someone didn't feel fear in these times of incertainty. Atleast we have eachother for comfort eh? You all seem like genuine people. Fairplay to you. I am just sorry that these psychological conditions exist. There is still hope guys!

03-13-2010, 05:30 PM
hey, just wanted to see how everyone is going with their derealization.
i may aswell update on mine.
for starters, it has been a rollercoasster. including the fear you get when riding on one i must add.
somedays are better, then somedays its worse. but it is always there. im starting to believe that it is now a part of me and will be forever... but if only i could stop fearing and thinking about it. then maybe i would have a chance of it going away. but its impossible. if im not thinking aout it, im noticing it - i mean its easy to notice that your own home doesnt look right. i have been seeing a psychologist, he said "it is anxiety , i dont call it derealization just anxiety, its all a part of it".... why do i feel this so difficult to believe? the sessions have helped but i feel like im starting to go back to square one.
things that i have noticed that seem to worsen derealization are:
lack of sleep
flurocent lighting
negative attitude.

what does everyone else think