11-02-2009, 10:49 AM

HI i wanted to know if there r any docters or people who know if anxiety can provoke tinnitus, as i have been sufering for the last 15years and no docter can tell me what iTs from i can make the ringing pitch louder if i am under alot more stress than usual,if i drink alcohol, if i move my neck side to side, and if i strain myself i can even change the pitch by touching and pushing my neck or cheeks close to my ears and what ever side i do it to that is the side that is effected, now i am no docter but i have been doing research for a long time and i am getting sick of docters telling me you have to live with it i was only 19 years young when this all started and i am a GAD suffer as i am always amped up but im thinking if my adrenal system is constantley on high alert possible the nerves in the ear or blod vessels get constricted but like i said i really need some help her from anyone who is or was and there solution to this proble, i have tryed every type of dr. and every gimmick on the intenet waste of money i now believe its due to my stress and anxity so plz anybody out there that can pt there 2 cents in would b appreciated because there r times i wish i were dead thank john

11-03-2009, 01:15 AM
I'm not a doctor and I've never heard of that condition before. Does it go away when you are relaxing? If it doesn't go away at any time then maybe your anxiety can be worsening the symptoms since your senses can get out of whack when you have anxiety. When I get anxious my sense of smell gets really strong and it gets to a point where everything can smell weird. I don't know if you have something similar going on.

11-09-2009, 04:41 AM
Hi jeebise23,

Yes Anxiety can cause this, it happened to me and some other people i have read about.

I dont believe there is a cure for it however over time the ringing is normally reduced.

Dont worry you will get used to it after a while.