View Full Version : scared of goin out
11-02-2009, 05:52 AM
hi people just wanted to no if any 1 was like me
when i need to go any were i feel sick and most of the time i am sick or when my friends say lets go out for a drink or something im scared and got this strange feeling im 21 with 2 children and at the moment thay dont have a go out dad i try and find resons not to go out i dont eat when im out cos i feel sick and just wont to be home at all times cos i no its safe
thanks for reading
andrew penfold
11-02-2009, 02:27 PM
Hi Andrew,
I know what it feels like. What helps me is convincing myslef that nothing bad will happen and if it does "SO WHAT". You know that physically all is okay with you, it's just in your head. Try to think positively and enjoy your time out with kids and familiy. You will never improve if you don't try. Start with small trips/outings and increase your time away from home, in time you will see that its not so bad, especially after you get home and are okay, you will feel very good about yourself.
Good luck
11-03-2009, 05:40 AM
thank you i will i just need the currige to get up and go out i no nothin bad will happen and its all in my head but my head scares me
11-03-2009, 05:58 PM
thank you i will i just need the currige to get up and go out i no nothin bad will happen and its all in my head but my head scares me
Thats what makes you a social phobic! I used to have similar issues as you. I would get almost an overwhelming sense of dread about going out and what might go wrong when I would go out. All I can say is to keep trying and eventually that nasty feeling will subside. It probably won't go away completely, but it will go away most of the way until it's pretty easy for you to go out. Good luck and just be sure to have patience and you'll be all right.
11-06-2009, 06:53 AM
I've been here too :(
I know it's very very hard to convince yourself to do it but once your out the distractions and company from your Friends will help you to recover.
Just think to yourself going out is another step closer to feeling better.
11-08-2009, 02:13 PM
thanks every one ive been meeting up with friends and thaking little tips out and its realy helping
11-11-2009, 08:02 PM
Hi Andy,
I had this 2 years ago, I didnt go out for 6 months and I used to find excuses all the time.
Then one day I told my parents and they helped me, I just kept going for short drives in the car, quick looks around the shops and then home again, extending the time each time i went out.
At first make sure your with people, then after you feel safe and comfortable going out, try going out by yourself, start of with a walk round the block, then come back, then gradually increase it.
Now im at the stage where I can go into Manchester and face big crowds by myself and not be afraid! Please try what i suggested, It worked for me!
Good Luck xxx
11-13-2009, 10:59 PM
i have this problem to. at home in my bed is safe. i dont like bars and stuff... i feel like i cant breath at them. i dont even have motivation to go out.
Maybe bars and places like that arent a good place to visit at the moment as they are usually noisy and have a lot of people.
Try going somewhere thats a bit quieter, even if its a walk in the park or by the river, if you only get out for a little while at a time then try to increase the time again. Look around you and take in the surroundings of the trees, clouds, birds, think what a great day out it is the sun is out or anything
I think its important to use once we do venture out to places again and start to enjoy it to focus on that next time we have to go out and remind ourselves that hey last time i went there i really enjoyed it, try and stay on the positive side of it
If we keep thinking the what if's , what if i go there and this happens what if i go there and dont like it etc etc we are just confirming in our brains the negatives all the time, try to think ok last time i went there it was pretty good i enjoyed it, not the negative thoughts
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