View Full Version : Constant Anxiety feelings & Zoloft

10-31-2009, 10:08 PM
Hi there,

I am new to the forum and have found some relief from it already.

I've always suffered from mild anxiety all my life, but whilst overseas I experienced sensations where i thought i would die. Twitching, burning sensations, numbness, sweats, shaky etc. Since coming home these intense symptoms have persisted. I've never suffered from symptoms of anxiety like this before.

After visiting 2 doctors since i've been home their convinced it's anxiety. My symptoms change every few days. For the past 10 days i've been on Zoloft 50mg, prior to that was murelax. Whilst on the Murelax i slept well, 10hrs per night. Anxiety was present but ok. This apparently is addictive, so the doctor wanted me to start Zoloft instead. As soon as the changeover happened, I am struggling to sleep, twitching and spazams occuring whilst trying to fall asleep. The doctor tried me on Sifrol for the twitching, but didn't really work after 5 days. Has anyone else had this happen to them???

During the day I have constant pain in the stomach, feel light headed and very shaky. I feel as though i've been on a 4 week long adrenalin rush. With new symptoms always occuring, my doctor wants to reassure me that it's anxiety, so has arranged for me to see a neurologist.

My throat constantly feels tight and every twitch and body movement makes me doubt the doctors diagnosis. Does anyone else feel like this???

I've been told the mind is very powerful and that everything is brought on by my thoughts. I understand that and during good times of the day believe it. But at times when symptoms are intense and the mind wanders, I feel like its the end of the world.

It's tough. Extremely tough. Would not wish it on my worst enemy.

Is this a common thing with most sufferers????
Has anyone experienced similar affects whilst taking Zoloft????

I am aware it takes time for Zoloft to work to its full potential, but everyday seems worse at the moment. It's affecting my whole life.

Thanks very much.

11-01-2009, 12:51 PM
Yes, that is how I get. I constantly felt like the doctors were missing something. I did every test imaginable and everything is normal.

You just need to tell yourself that this is all just hormones. Try to think of something you enjoy for at least 15 minutes. Count backwards from 1000 down to 1 without thinking of anything else. It's hard but it helps. Reading a book can also make your mind stop thinking bad stuff. That is what helps me calm down at night. It finally brings my heart rate down after it being up up up all day long.