View Full Version : You’re quiet tonight…

10-31-2009, 10:00 AM
Anyone else get that familiar comment “you’re quiet tonight”.

I get it quite a lot and the thing is, I think I’m quiet nearly all the time. I’ve always struggled with being shy and quiet around people, especially new people. So it’s always a surprise to hear this comment as it’s stating the obvious.

If I was always confident and chatty and then had an off night, this sort of comment would make sense. Maybe I am often more lively than I think I am and don’t really notice the nights when I’m being moody or introverted.

It’s certainly true there are times when I am particularly wrapped up in my own thoughts and there is body but certainly not in mind.

Thing is, I know I’ve made exactly the same comment to some of my friends before too. It’s funny how we perceive ourselves and how it often differs from what our friends really think of us.


11-01-2009, 12:56 PM
People would say that to me even if they haven't met me. "Oh you're so quiet". People think everyone is supposed to be extremely bubbly and lively to a party. I'm just not that type of person. Don't let them get to you and just be yourself.