View Full Version : Hypochondria and anxiety, neverending circle.

10-31-2009, 09:00 AM
Hi all.

I think my anxiety comes from hypochondria, more specifically for the past month or so I think I have MS starting from tingling in my foot. (I have scoliosis, so realistically its probably a compressed nerve.) but ever since I read about MS I've suddenly been developing every symptom... anxiety shares a lot of symptoms with MS so the more I worry about MS, the more symptoms I feel... it feeds itsself!
Anybody in a familliar boat or have any advice to stop thinking that I have MS?

10-31-2009, 08:35 PM
I have a fear of vomiting (Which I developed about 9 months ago now) and as nausea is a side-effect of anxiety, if I worried I was going to be sick, nausea would come on making me worrying more and so on. It's one of the things that amounted to me betting depersonalization/depression/whatever. I worry about a lot of things to do with myself healthwise. If something was slightly out of the ordinary from what I'd ever read about, I would dismiss it as me just being unique and think it was cancer which = anxiety = panic attacks.

11-01-2009, 12:53 PM
Yes. It all started with one pain in the muscle. Automatically I assumed there was a tumor in my back. Then I assumed I had h pylori. Then I thought I had a stomach ulcer. And so on. It's really bad and we all just need to forget about our bodies for a while.

11-02-2009, 01:45 AM
My main fear with anxiety / panic is fainting, i also go through all the things in my head that could be wrong with me, you get to the point that you don't even know if you really are ill or if its just anxiety

At times i think i would be happy if a doctor actually found something wrong with me no matter what it was, just to know it wasnt all in my mind

I hate it so much its such a terrible thing to suffer from, yeh i have days that arent too bad, but anxiety is always with me and theres the feelings in my body that trigger it off, the constant pressure in my head it never eases, i know its from tight muscles, the tingling in the legs and hands, the derealisation, had an episode of that today, i was sitting down calm then it just hit me, like where am i whats going on, only lasts for a few seconds but its scary, then the dizzy feelings start, then the thought of i need to get out of here,the feelings of beeing hot all the time its really starting to cripple my life style, i am talking to someone about it buts its been a while since i have been there im due to go back again soon.

I know those feelings are anxiety and i know it then triggers my fear i fully understand that , but its just so hard to switch it off, knowing is the easy part actually doing it is probably the hardest thing i ever have had to do.

At times you cant see an end to it, i really have to break the cycle of as soon as i get feelings in my body associating it with anxiety then it all snow balls from there

Sorry to rant on about it, but i just hate it sooooooo much and i know what others on here are going through.

07-21-2010, 12:10 AM
Hi all.

I think my anxiety comes from hypochondria, more specifically for the past month or so I think I have MS starting from tingling in my foot. (I have scoliosis, so realistically its probably a compressed nerve.) but ever since I read about MS I've suddenly been developing every symptom... anxiety shares a lot of symptoms with MS so the more I worry about MS, the more symptoms I feel... it feeds itsself!
Anybody in a familliar boat or have any advice to stop thinking that I have MS?

I realise this is an old post...but that was actually almost identical to what started my anxiety off! I was terrified of MS!