View Full Version : constant headaches and vision changes

10-29-2009, 08:51 AM
I have been signed of work with anxiety, I am wondering if this could be related.
For the past week or so I have had constant dull headaches and a feeling of heavyness on my head, I sometimes feel nausea with this,feelings of extreme tiredness and even though I can see there is still something wrong with my vision a sense that Im in a dream.
Any idea on what this could be? Thanks

10-29-2009, 10:09 AM
Sorry you feel this way, but I understand. I have been having this exact thing too, :console:
All of these are symptoms of anxiety! It's amazing what anxiety can do to the body.

11-05-2009, 06:31 AM
dull headaches... check!
sense of being disconnected from surroundings... check!

I know what you mean. I'm still struggling to believe that this is all due to anxiety, as it still happens when I am feeling calm.

Personally I find that a good cardio workout is helpful in dealing with the sense of disconnectedness. Preferably something that stimulates the senses, like swimming in cool water. Might be worth a try (if you haven't already) :)