View Full Version : cheesed off had enough

10-27-2009, 12:45 PM
Hey guys just fed up to death with this aniexty lark, feel like absoulte crap. Shaking all over chest and ribs hurt arms and legs hurt, my head is shaking chest is shaking inside this is constant 24/7 sooo lighthead and dizzy just had enough

11-06-2009, 07:00 AM
Hi :)

As an Ex Anxiety sufferer i will do my best to help you through this, but you need to be possitive.

Ok the shaking thing and pains appear to be a Magnesium defeciency which anxiety stripps your body of very quickly. Normally what happens is your arms, legs start to have tremors and sometimes you can also get heart flutters, if left your whole body will go nuts and shake. Be aware that stress can work in the same way doing exactly the same thing.

As you sound fed up im sure you wont mind going out to buy some Magnesium (not the cheap supermarket stuff) you wont see any results for possibly 1 week but it does work.

Remeber to stay well well away from ANY form of caffine in the meantime.