View Full Version : Odd feeling in arms or legs

10-27-2009, 06:51 AM
Does anybody else get this? It's so hard to describe but it's just that you're constantly aware of your leg or arm being there? It doesn't feel as if the muscles are tense or anything, but maybe it's the sensation that you need to move or stretch a certain way, but it doesn't seem to satisfy.

10-28-2009, 01:50 AM
i get this too almost non-stop. on my left side more than anything. scares me to no end.

10-28-2009, 04:56 PM
I'm sorry :console:
the only thing this is doing is giving me more anxiety, because now i've convinced myself that this is mild spasticity and once again leading me to believe I have MS.

10-28-2009, 05:20 PM
It sounds like Restless Foot Syndrome, its a symptom of anxiety. I get it at night and when im trying to sleep, and twitching my foot makes it go away. despite the name it can affect both arms and legs. Try taking a quick jog if its getting too annoying. Or just keep toe wiggling, that works for me.
EDIT: Also, soaking feet in hot water can help, as recommended by a friend.

10-28-2009, 06:31 PM
Try taking a quick jog if its getting too annoying. Or just keep toe wiggling, that works for me.

My thought precisely. Try a jog or walk if your legs feel funny. Or maybe try lifting some weights if your arms feel funny. Also, if these things are not feasible, simply write off these odd feelings as an anxiety symptom. Because the less you worry about this, the less you will feel it, and the lower your anxiety levels will be.

11-06-2009, 07:09 AM
Normally this is linked to muscle tremors but im going to mention it anyway as some may wish to try.

With Anxiety sufferes Magnesium is a big issue as Anxiety strips your body of it very quickly.

If you are low on Magnesium you may notice muscle spasms in your arms, legs and even heart flutters which are common with Anxiety.

Now what happens is, your body will remove the Magnesium from your arms, legs etc and move it to the vital organs. When this occurs the muscles will cramp with ease and go into spasm's frequently. How to explain this..... ok if you clench your fist Magnesium is not required however Mangnesium is required for you had to open again, it allows the muscle to relax but if it cant relax it will spasm to get out of being stuck.

Anyway it worked great for me but remember not to buy the cheap stuff, it just doesnt cut it, mine was around £4-5. It will take at least a week before you notice.

Really hope this works for you guys, good luck.