View Full Version : HELP!

10-23-2009, 09:56 PM
Hello everyone, I am new here. I have been stressed out lately. Today I went to the er for a miscarrage, I am so depressed and sad. I even have panic attacks.

I have chest pain and fluttering, I feel shakey and tired and unwilling to do anything like eat or drink after losing the baby. Is this normal? to feel very sad and have anxiety like this?

10-23-2009, 11:31 PM
Hello everyone, I am new here. I have been stressed out lately. Today I went to the er for a miscarrage, I am so depressed and sad. I even have panic attacks.

I have chest pain and fluttering, I feel shakey and tired and unwilling to do anything like eat or drink after losing the baby. Is this normal? to feel very sad and have anxiety like this?

First let me say how sorry i am to hear such a horrible time you are going through
If the doctor has thoroughly checked you over and everything has come back ok
I would say its pefectly normal to feel the way you do after such a loss, keep an eye on it, if it gets too intense go and talk to somebody about it

I wish you well in such a trying time for you