View Full Version : Confused

10-23-2009, 05:58 AM
Is it possible to have many, many physical symptoms of anxiety without the constant worrying or fear?
I have the tingling and numbness, the derealization, head pain/tightness, bad sleeping, .. i could go on, but I don't feel as if I'm afraid?
...well, actually, I worry about the physical things that are happening to me, feel hopeless and like it will never go away and that I can't deal with it. Hypochondria, too.. I sometimes worry that this is something huge like a brain tumor or ms or something. :sigh:

I don't know. That's mainly the only worry that plagues my mind, but I feel like the physical symptoms are more present than the mental.. maybe I'm wrong.

Sorry if I've confused anybody.

10-23-2009, 05:12 PM
Yeah, it should be theoretically possible, according to the DSM-IV, to have physical symptoms without the mental, although you do acknowledge a couple mental symptoms. What you describe is consistent with an anxiety disorder, and if the physical symptoms are more present than the mental, then yes, that is definitely possible.

I think that you definitely have a high awareness of how your anxiety works, so I would try seeking a solution. If you are still confused, talk to a counselor about how you are doing. Counseling was very helpful for me. Whatever kind of anxiety it is that you have, there is a solution to it. Hang in there, find some help in figuring out what this is, and keep asking questions here if you need to. Good luck and know that others are here to help!

10-25-2009, 09:31 PM
I have this thing to where I have to feel something first before I experience any anxiety but other time I feel like I'm forceing myself to freak out if that makes any since! Ill give u a example I have the flu right now :( and on my discharge sheet it says if u experience this this or that call or come in and I keep asking myself am I experienceing that???!!!! U won't take medS cause I'm scared of the effects! I lknow it doesn't make since but oh well!

11-04-2009, 01:44 AM
bluebell07, I feel exactly the same way.
My physical symptoms regularly manifest without any kind of 'emotional' anxienty.

For instance; today I walked through a busy shopping centre. Emotionally I was fine - no signs of any fear, stress, anxiety or panic. However, I felt completely 'disconnected' and had spatial awareness problems.

May I ask what was the initial trigger for your anxiety disorder? I am curious because our symptoms sound similar.
Edit: Never mind. I just noticed that you have already answered this in another thread.