View Full Version : Wife has anxiety/panic disorder..

10-23-2009, 02:14 AM
My wife has had anxiety/panic disorder for about 10 years now and lately it seems to have gotten worse...

Can anyone tell me;

Does anxiety ever convert into paranoia?

I just dont know what to do.. I love her for who she is and I know that this is not her. Lately it just seems that she is sooooooo paranoid that whatever happens it's due to peopel not liking her.

11-06-2009, 09:36 PM
hi, from a fellow sufferer please hang in there, when i was with my first husband i had terrible anxiety about going out, what people thought of me, constant feel of fear this went on for about 8 years eventually because my husband could not understand it he left. Please support her even though you don't get it, try and encourage her to seek help with it and constantly reassure her it's a passing thing and will get better in time.
I still suffer with it on and off but because i'm with a supporting partner it has never got so bad again....good luck and feel free to ask me anything i know it must be hard on you i think it's one of these things that you may never understand but can live with in life.
