View Full Version : Please help..

10-21-2009, 11:30 AM

I am new member,Nes from Turkey.Glad to see this forum and registrated.I am feeling deepest sempathy to all members and I can understand them very well.

It has started with panic attack when I was 14 or 15 years old.But at that time,I didnt know that was panic attack.Also,my family didnt know it.I still remember my first attack with difficulty for breathing and I ended up Emergency with my mum.The doctor examined me and said that you are not old enough to have breathing problem and said to my mum she was ok.I had several times attack and went to other doctor.But end of the day,nothing was wrong with me.But nobody said that it was panic attack.

I am now 30.I found out myself that is a panic attack and deal with it my own.That was really difficult time and effected my all life.Now, I am pretty good to deal with it.I havent had attack since almost 10 years because I think,my brain doesnt care attack anymore:)But the problem is now it has changed form somehow.I am so anixious and worried speacially about health and my close family health.

I was living in the UK since 3 years.3 weeks ago,I have came in Turkey.It was really stressful event for me because I left the country where I used to live and left my boyfriend there.The event itself already makes me worried.It wasnt last of course.After 3 day,I was in Turkey my grandma broke her leg,I went hospital with mum and deal with her etc.Then,my mum has had some skin problem since 3 months but the doctor advised her to make a biopsy and she didnt want to do it.I think, she was worried about it as well.I convinced her to do it and I went to the doctor with her.The doctor said that it could be something like mix skin and blood cancer.Mum is going to get the biopsy result after 2 weeks.When I heart what doctor said, I couldnt concentrate to listen medikal terms and what could be exactly and somehow I lost my mind at that moment.Now, I am excessively worried and anixious about my mum health.I cried 2 day almost spending all my enegry,I cant eat properly, cant concentrate anything and cant enjoy being with family after such a long time.I just wait her result and I sometimes want to research some skin problem which could be but I am so afraid of doing it.

I went psychiatrist who gave me a pill but I dont want to use it.I have booked therapy seans from pyscologist for friday.Also,I will go to have some test about troid hormons which can lead the some mood problem because all my family women suffers troid hormons problem.After that test, I may start to use the pill which was given by psychiatrist.

I know,it is long msg.Also,my english may not be good for expressing myself properly.But please help me,how I can be less worried till at least biopsy result.How I can deal with it?Somehow,I havent energy anymore for dealing with it as I did before panic attack:( Should I use to have pill immediately?

Thank you very much!

10-22-2009, 08:12 PM
Sorry to hear about ur hard life! I would only take the pill if u really need to! Focus your mind on something else! A hobby or daily chores or maybe you can clean ur closets out! Do something that's gonna make u focus and u will forget temporarly but not for good not ubtil I know the answer ! Also keep in mind when ur not focused on something your mid wonders! Good luck to u

10-22-2009, 11:17 PM
I have been taking Valium for anxiety for awhile now with great results. I have more than I need though, and am offering it with free shipping for:

10 mg Diazapam- 30 for $40
60 for $75
90 for $105

Note, that if you take less than 10 mg, they can easily be cut in half, to make twice as many 5 mg pills.

Email me if you are interested, they include free shipping from the US, and is done through PayPal, which I consider to be the safest and fastest option for both of us. Email at diazepam_cheap (at) hotmail (dot com)