View Full Version : Please help me.....

10-17-2009, 08:23 PM
Well.. Went for a walk with my girlfriend this evening after a big supper.
(ate spicy wings and noodles)
While going on the walk I started to feel weird.

It seems every winter I tend to get anxiety..
Last winter It got so bad I didn't eat for days and was panicking in and out of a hospital.. like I'd go to the hospital and get worse anxiety so I'd head back home and Ughh.

It's kind of early this year to be getting anxiety..
I've been off work and been very lazy around the house. But we do go for walks and such.

I really need some advice as I don't take meds neither do I want to because they make me feel weird.

I gotta get over this.. I'm already panicking.

10-19-2009, 12:05 AM

It's pretty normal to be more anxious and/or depressed during the winter, especially if you live in a place where it gets really cold and gray for months and months. Diet and exercise are really important. Going for walks is great, you should keep it up! That will be a big help if you make a habit out of it. As far as diet is concerned, proper nutrition is very important, especially in the winter, and especially when dealing with feelings of anxiety and panic. If you aren't already making sure that you eat right and exercise, maybe the boost you'd get from these two simple lifestyle changes will be just enough to overcome your anxiety.

Of course, in most cases diet and exercise alone won't solve the whole problem. If you're dealing with persistant, recurring anxiety, you may have some destructive thought patterns that need to be recognized and changed. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the most effective ways of addressing this problem. This is something that works best with a doctor, but there are plenty of books out there on the subject that can help guide you through the process on your own, or at least introduce you to some strategies you can use to help manage your anxiety.

Just a few meds-free suggestions. I hope you're able to find something that works for you!

10-19-2009, 07:46 PM
Funny you had anxious feelings after spicy food, I used to have that too. I wrote a blog post on it even! (Blog address is below, you'll find it on the second page of Triggers) I thought I was the only one :)

I have had this stuff get worst in the winter too. As we approach shorter days and cold weather, I'm ramping up on my omega 3's and vitamin D. My doc says I should do 4 grams of omega 3's and 4000 IU of vitamin D3.
