View Full Version : Gretings all. Im tird of being panicked.

10-16-2009, 10:16 PM
Hi everyone. I was surfing the net looking for info on anxiety and found this board. I had to register because my anxiety is killing me and I need to talk to people about it who understand.

I am 31, in good health, married, children, everything anyone could ask for. I feel very blessed. I just cant stop my anxiety. I know in my HEAD that everything is alright but that doesnt make me FEEL any better. I have it so bad that palpitations are a day in day out reality for me and nothing helps. My blood pressure is normal, no other health problems, etc.

I just cant help my mind. I get so panicked over everything.

A few years ago, I would be sitting down, completely relaxed, and just feel like someone startled me. I was under a lot of stress with a new boss and chalked it up to that. As the situation got better, the attacks didnt stop.

Then I chalked it up to caffeine, as I was a coffee addict. I quit all caffeine, and it eased for a while. Eventually my anxiety came back with a vengeance. I turned to alcohol. Needless to say, bad idea.

I dont drink anymore. The wife had enough, and rightly so. But my anxiety still lingers and I just want to be able to come to a group of people that understand it. I am having palpitations as I write this, for no good reason. I have ONE, and it makes me insane for days. Then of course m anxiety gets worse, so I get more.

I bought a blood presure monitor the other day. My first reading was high, which made me even more scared. I calmed down later, breathed deeply, took another one. Totally normal.

I cant stand this anymore. Just wanted to register here so I cold have a place to talk about it.
