View Full Version : Fluoxetine

10-16-2009, 12:06 PM
Hey everyone..

So fluoxetine, does anyone else on here take it? what are your experiances taking this? do you suffer from any side effects? Do you ever find the positive effects wearing off?

10-23-2009, 02:42 AM
I dont know if you ever got an answer to this. But I was put on fluoxetine a couple of years ago, and then switched over to celexa after because it wasn't cutting it. I was 2 years anxiety free. But recently, my anxiety has come back and the doctor started me off with fluoxetine 20mg. 2 days in it sent me through this crazzzzzzzy depression and I lost like 12 pounds. That was only after taking 2 pills so i stopped. i guess the second time around is worse? IDK i'm not a doctor. But I've taken it before. The first time was "eh". the second time was quite a ride.