View Full Version : Any Tips?

10-15-2009, 03:41 PM
Hey Guys, Hope everyone is Ok..

Anyways as you can see if you've read my other posts i've been having some form of anxiety attacks..

Anyway today i had a good day, my stomach pain went and i only suffered from one attack of hot pins and needles.. However!!

My mind is always playing tricks on me haha.. I've found that now whenever my stomach doesnt hurt.. I suddenly think to myself.. 'Oh thats good my stomach doesnt hurt... brilliant' and then bobs your uncle.. back it comes..

Anyone have any tips on how to get rid of this?


10-15-2009, 04:19 PM
Well, lots of hard work should get rid of it in some time. For me, counseling (very helpful and probably more so for attacks like yours), talking to friends when I was down, journaling, exercising, eating an anxiety-reducing diet, and some medication (medication might be a good solution in your position where you have acute anxiety attacks) was the winning formula. I don't experience much anxiety compared to in the past, and after I took a few years to work at it, I found myself in a much better place.

I believe that the same came happen for you too if you follow that formula. Good luck and let me know if you have questions!

10-15-2009, 04:30 PM
Thank you for replying mate..

Having been suffering from OCD i understand alot does rest on mind control etc.. I went through a period of CBT and currently i am taking Fluoxetine.. but being clever i thought i'd stop after my OCD calmed down.. I guess this isnt helping me alot at a time like this?

I was wondering what sort of diet etc you found worked for you?

I've tried to cut alot of caffeine frmo my diet and i also take out alot of suger and fat. As i went through a stage where i would just binge on stuff untill the early hours because i couldnt sleep.

10-16-2009, 02:55 AM
have a look at this thread, it's got lots of information about what helps with anxiety including diet :)


10-17-2009, 02:27 PM
Thank you for replying mate..

Having been suffering from OCD i understand alot does rest on mind control etc.. I went through a period of CBT and currently i am taking Fluoxetine.. but being clever i thought i'd stop after my OCD calmed down.. I guess this isnt helping me alot at a time like this?

I was wondering what sort of diet etc you found worked for you?

I've tried to cut alot of caffeine frmo my diet and i also take out alot of suger and fat. As i went through a stage where i would just binge on stuff untill the early hours because i couldnt sleep.

Well, my diet sounds more or less a lot like yours. One thing that I have surmized is that eating lots of foods that give me high energy would help. When I am tired, I feel more anxious, but when I am more energetic, I feel much more confident. Give that a try and see if it helps. I don't think that diet alone can make a huge difference, but it can definitely help. Usually, it's best to talk it over with a professional (counseling helped me a TON), so see if you are able to make that happen.

10-22-2009, 04:58 PM
I always recommend exercise, but understand if you've already tried that/don't find that such a useful tip!

10-22-2009, 06:52 PM
Its a hard thing to understand, if we have a physical symptom that we can see, for example a cut or a broken bone or something similar we can accept that for what it is as we can physically see it i know i do ,

unlike our feelings we get from anxiety that we cant see and dont understand fully, we dont know why we feel that way and dont know how to feel better

As you say im sure diet does play a large part in our physical well being as well as our emotional state, if our bodies are run down we will be emotionally run down as well, we will feel tired, lazy, sore probably head aches, then we start to associate these feelings with anxiety, when it may just be our bodies saying i am run down im tired i need proper fuel to perform properly

Exercise is a great thing as it realeses endorphins in our brain, which are supposed to be the feel good things in our brain, but it comes back to the circle again if you feel tired all the time the last thing you want to do is get up and exercise , maybe try a multivitam or a diet supplement to give your body a bit of a boost

Good luck with it all, i know how hard and how crippling anxiety can be, theres probably not a waking minute in every day lately thats its not just lurking in the back of my mind just waiting for a trigger to rear its ugly head .

Also try peppermint even if its just in the form of a sweet or life safer lolly as we call them that you can keep with you , its known to be good for nausea and might just settle your stomach down

Keep your chin up