View Full Version : same head dizziness, unexplainable feelings in limbs..

10-14-2009, 10:46 PM
a lot of this dizziness. i really wish i could figure out how to describe it. sometimes i want to just shake my head really hard. sometimes i do, and it makes it hurt worse. sometimes when i have certain thoughts the dizziness gets worse. i dont know if that makes sense, but it happens.

ive starting writing more, trying to everyday. write down my thoughts, sometimes it helps. who knows...

i just stood up, and my heart started pounding really hard. i dont get that much. kind of scared me a bit.

the main thing is still the head stuff. the dizziness is ALWAYS in the same spot. how is that even possible?

another thing is this weird feeling that is almost always present in my left leg, and arm. its not a numbness, its just a "presence" of sort. i almost want to say its like the feeling when you chew tin foil with metal fillings, but under my skin...does it make sense to anyone?

of course because of the right side of my brain having dizziness, and my left side having these feelings in my limbs, i ALWAYS think i have a brain tumor,,...ect. only thing is sometimes the feelings are better, sometimes worse.

sorry for the depressing response. heres to better days :(

10-17-2009, 02:29 PM
Sounds like a panic attack, although I am not positive yet. What types of situations bring on these feelings? Does it seem random or is there a particular set of circumstances that cause these feelings in you? Sorry to hear they make life difficult, but once you understand what they are, then you can head on the road to recovery. Good luck and let me know if you have further questions!

10-18-2009, 09:59 PM
I used to get this (and sometimes still do!) from adrenal fatigue. Especially when I would stand or get up quickly - my world would spin! The adrenals regulate blood pressure and when they are cashed out they can't do that well - hence the spinning.

Also, when my blood sugar is really low that happens to me. It's like I'm drunk! Pretty much stinks :(


10-23-2009, 05:47 AM
I know how you are feeling, it's as if you are just constantly aware of your leg or arm when you shouldn't be. I'm sorry you're feeling this, I know it's so frustrating. :(