View Full Version : Normal?

10-13-2009, 04:10 PM
Right Guys and Girls

I guess this is just a medium for me to get some of my anxiety out because reading the posts on here have been able to help me out and calm me down... ALOT so i thank you all for that.:D

Basically as you may of seen in some of my other posts.. i've been struggling with some stomach aches.. i wouldnt say pain because its just uncomfortable and i'm just aware of it.. I find myself making myself burp alot if you know what i mean just to try and remove some of the discomfort and in turn i think this is hurting my stomach more because of the air i'm forcing down to burp..

Basically i'm just wondering because my stomach does seem to hurt not just on and off but throughout but i'm not sure if this is just because i'm thinking about it... even when i think i'm not thinking about it, am i? is it possible to think about it sub conciously?(sp) i've found though that when i'm really doing something else then my stomach doesn hurt.. Another anxiety sign i thought i had was at work today i was nervous about serving some customers and my hear started to beat fast and i got very strong pins and needles over my body, like hot sharp pins and needles.. but then they went..

Just some advice and a bit of reasurance would be brilliant..

thanks everyone..

10-14-2009, 11:48 AM
Hey! I had the same types of issues you are describing about a year ago. If my mind was busy on a task I had no stomach pains, but as soon as I had even a few seconds I would think about it and the pain would reappear. Problems went away once my anxiety was under control. You need to figure out what is causing anxiety and attack it head on.

For me it was procrastination at work and not working out or eating healthy. Cleaned up my e-mails and desk...tackled some outstanding projects and started going to the gym and anxiety (and stomach pain/issues) went away.

Good luck.