View Full Version : Starting to think all my problems are from anxiety...

10-13-2009, 08:59 AM
Well I always thought I had a psychical problem. Not having insurance I was not able to have tests done and what not to see what was wrong. I am 23 now I have had symptoms of anxitey sine I was like 16 that I remember. My mom said I did when I was little to but she didnt know. Here are my symptoms can someone help me figure out if this is what I have?

First off my biggest problem is my stomach. It hurts in the mornings bad. It hurts right now. It is a rumbling feeling and cramps. I actually went to the ER a couple times cause I thought I has gallstones or something. I have been taking prilosec and rolaids and seems like they help sometimes but im not sure.

It is way worse when we plan on doing something or going on a trip. I get panic attacks such as worried, light headed, sweating, chills, not knowing what to do, etc...

I also have frequent diarrhea and muscle aches and always feel worn out.

I have had blood tests and x rays and a sonogram and nothing shows up. Doctors have suggested it might be a ulcer or IBS but I dont know it doesn't seem to matter what I eat or drink. It still happens.

If I do something that takes my mind off it then it goes away. I wake up in the mornings feeling very stressed though. At night I feel fine.

Thanks in advance. Sorry for the long post.

10-14-2009, 11:53 AM
Anxiety can do strange things to your body, for sure. If you are having panic attacks than you have underlaying anxiety that could be causing everything.

When my anxiety was bad I found I was hypersensitive to everything, and besides the panic attacks I suffered from IBS/ulcer type symptoms just like you.

I have to focus hard on the things that caused my anxiety...as soon as one of those areas starts to slip I feel it creep back (which brought me to the forums today).

Ultimately you need to figure out what is causing your anxiety and stress and work on those areas. For me any type of physical activity (even just a 15-20minute walk) and healthy eating helped a lot.

10-14-2009, 07:02 PM
Thanks. I am not sure what causes it other than confrontation or planning on doing something. Most of the time it seems like it comes on for no reason.