View Full Version : Hi im sarah

10-13-2009, 07:42 AM
Hi i'm Sarah. I have come on this forum as a past anxiety sufferer and would like to help as many people as i can get on the right path and start living the life they want.

I am living proof that anxiety suffers can lead normal lives.


11-09-2009, 01:43 PM
Hi Sarah, just read your story and although mine isnt as bad and i do go out to
work, i have no social life at all. I can go on a building site with 100 people on fine but put me in a shop or restuarant and i go to pieces. I recently started seeing a counsellor but it dosent seem to help. im just getting sick of being so lonely. Any tips

thanks Daniel

11-09-2009, 11:02 PM
Hi Sarah

Well done on beating it, as everyone on this forum knows it is so hard to do, but its re assuring and inspiring to hear from someone who has beaten it and give advice and hope to others.

Its a very nice gesture of you to want to help people to the other side of such a horrible debilatating illness, Thankyou and im sure we are all looking forward to hearing more about how you did