View Full Version : 2012 ANXIETY

10-12-2009, 05:14 PM
Please help me. I am so scared of the end of the world it is effecting my life in terrible ways. How can I cope with this fear. I have panic attacks over it. I want to have a baby even though I am very young. I am just terrified!!! Please help![/code]

10-12-2009, 08:36 PM
Hi Little Star,

Don't fear little one. You're going to be alright. The world will not end. There have been countless predictions of the end of the world for centuries and it never comes to pass. The world is designed to carry on, just as the rest of the universe is. We are not about to explode into bits. The oceans, the atmosphere and creatures of the earth, including us, will be able to call this our home for eternity.

10-15-2009, 04:53 AM
I agree that religious prophecies regarding the end of the world are notoriously inaccurate. After all, MANY predictions have been made. And, well, we are still here. Yes, the world will end some day, either as the result of a cosmic collision or as a result of the sun running out of hydrogen. But I would not lose sleep over any dates. Or, for that matter, the end of the world, period. Chances are REALLY good it is not going to happen in our lifetimes.

10-23-2009, 06:02 AM
Don't worry, even a Mayan religious leader himself has said that there is a lot of panic over nothing, and that the world will not end in 2012. Try to breathe. So many people have predicted the end of the world and here we still are. It's becuase of the way that the internet can spread stories and misinformation so quickly, which is why this '2012 theory' has gained so much hype. The Mayans themselves are reassuring people to not worry; the world will not end.

10-24-2009, 11:17 AM
This is one of the things I used to worry about that bought on my depress/depersonaliztion/anxiety (I dont know what I have) is till worry about it every night.

10-24-2009, 09:21 PM
Hi Little Star,

Don't fear little one. You're going to be alright. The world will not end. There have been countless predictions of the end of the world for centuries and it never comes to pass. The world is designed to carry on, just as the rest of the universe is. We are not about to explode into bits. The oceans, the atmosphere and creatures of the earth, including us, will be able to call this our home for eternity.

Perfectly said. There have been countless predictions that the world will end, but of course it never does end when someone claims that it will...so take a deep breath and relax. No one knows when the world will end. If you're religious and think God is coming again, you don't know when it will happen, but you do know that it will happen and that it will be okay. If you're nonreligious, then you are okay for now, but you really have no idea when or how it will happen. And, you don't know if you will die a horrible or pleasant death.

The bottom line to remember is to ignore predictions. This is some sort of calendar carved on a stone well...heck perhaps they just ran out of time on that project or got bored with it...one of the two! People back then didn't have much to do so they carved things in stone a lot, and perhaps this is what really happened, but who knows. Either way, the world is not ending in 2012.