View Full Version : Don't know what to do!

10-12-2009, 08:12 AM
Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and really this is the first time I've talked about things with people who understand.

When I was 15/16 y/o (im now 21), a guy high on drugs attempted to break into my home - looking for his pharmacy. I had always been slightly anxious at night (sleeping with the radio and light on etc). Anyway, my parents owned a B&B and a few years previously I moved into one of the room in the main guest area of the house. That night when I was in bed I heard someone knocking on the windows of my bedroom - enough to scare me so I called out. Later I heard smashing and my mum screaming so I rushed thro' to the other part of the house, one of our regular guests cornered the guy until the police arrived, and that was that. Really things escalated from their, but since starting uni things got a lot better - luckily I was on the 5th floor of a block of flats. 2 and a half years ago I moved in with my boyfriend and I have to admit felt a lot safer at night.

Over the last 6 months things have been going downhill and I don't understand why. When my partner goes away on business I will stay up half the night, sleep on the sofa with the tv and lights on, double check the doors are locked and keep looking over my shoulder, convinced someone will break in and hurt me. It's now escalated to the daytime as well, every noise will make me jump, post coming thro the letter box, someone next door banging a door, the doorbell going etc. Some noises make me think that someones up in the attic. I know its silly but I'm convinced someone is out to get me. I was visiting family in Australia over the summer and I had to wake my sister up to hop into bed with me in the middle of the night cause I couldnt sleep (she's only 13 and a black belt in karate!). My boyfriend doesn't get it - it's easy to tell someone to get a grip but its not that easy. It's really got to the point that I don't feel safe in my own home and it's affecting my day to day life.

I have considered going to see my GP but I'm worried that she will think I'm being stupid and wont be able to help. It's also difficult to describe these feelings to a strange, in words. Does anyone have any advice?
Sorry for the long post, It's just good to put things down in words.


10-12-2009, 05:54 PM
hi katrina, i know how hard it must be for you,i used to be thee same. i remember being about 8 or so ( im 24 now) and hiding all the knives in the house cos i thought someone might break in and kill my family with our own knives.then as i got older everytime i heard a knock or a tap id run to the phone ready to phone the police and tell them someone was breaking in.it got quite bad and i remember asking myself ' why am i like this' and i think its because i have very over protective parents who sometimes made me fear the worst, ie if i was going to the park they would be like ' ooh u must be careful theres rapists and murderers out there,they might get u,ud betta not go to the park' so it kind of became built in me to fear the worst and be paranoid,could this be the same reason for your anxiety?