View Full Version : Worried Sick, Feeling Strange. Help!

10-11-2009, 03:25 PM

My parents have gone away today for a week and im a bit panicky cos its night time.

Also, a couple of weeks ago i did something really stupid which i regret,

I took someone elses pictures on facebook, made one up so people would talk to me cos I was feeling really Lonely, The girl found out and said she had contacted the police.

I realise it was stupid and i have apologised so many times to her, but I dont know if she has dropped the charges which she said she might do and I ask.

I keep thinking about it and its really triggering my anxiety tonight thinking about it, and i feel scared cos im on my own.

And im also scared im going to die in my sleep.....


10-11-2009, 04:21 PM

Everything will be fine. The girl wont get in touch with the police and if she does they wont act, because (this is a fact) thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of people make false identities up and go onto Facebook.

Dude, I feel lonley all the time so dont worry about it.

Finally, you are not gonna die.

CHILL OUT :mrgreen: