View Full Version : New to the forums - my story, my hell

10-11-2009, 12:41 PM
Hi all.

I'm new here. Apologies if I've contravened the rules or something. This is my story.

I'm 28, apparently very successful, and a living, talking, gibbering wreck. I've been on anti-depressants for nine years. My father died when I was in my late teens. I stumbled upon a dream career, which lasted for four years, then recently gave it up. My depression hasn't had too much of an impact on my day-to-day existence, as it's manageable, but the extras associated with it - chronic, painful shyness; embarrassment; chronic blushing; awful low self esteem, perhaps a sprinkling of agoraphobia, and certainly a lot of social phobia - are now ruining my life. I would rather be dead at the moment rather than fight this.

I changed jobs recently which many have seen as a promotion by others. I see it as a chance to lead a more normal life, and if I was to tell you exactly what I'm doing, you'd think I have the world at my feet. Unfortunately, I can't even go to the shops without having some degree of anxiety or panic attack. I have had a sickening feeling in my stomach for the best part of ten or 15 years. It controls where I go, who I see, when I see them. I am in constant, terrifying fear. The world, it feels, is on my shoulders - and in many ways it is. For someone of my age, I have responsibilities of looking after my ageing mother and elder brother, neither of whom have a penny between them. I am pathetic and scared of life. I'm only happy when I'm on my own. Like now.

Meetings at work occupy my brain for days/hours before they get underway - not for the content themselves, but for how I look. For how I sound. For how others perceive me. For how I'm looking. Am I looking confident? Why am I sweating? My face is often so red through embarassment or fear, it looks like I've done a marathon (I don't exercise for that exact reason, which I knowingly admit is a vicious circle. Chicken and egg. If you don't exercise, you get fat, you get sweatier, you're more prone to heart attacks. Yet I can't go out much without having those panic attacks, and I'm too ashamed of how I look to go running. Fun, eh?)

Deep down, I have tremendous self belief in what I do and can do. I have hidden arrogance. Unfortunately, I've only ever worked at about 30% of my capabilities, which means bluffing my way through. If I had normal confidence - let's say, if I could work at 80 or 90% of my known ability - I have absolute confidence that I'd be doing something extraordinary, something that really inspired me and others. I had it on a plate but couldn't take it; it was just too hard. I wonder whether this confidence is just me bullshitting myself, tricking myself into believing (through hope) that one day it will get easier. That one day I won't have this gut-wrenching hold in my stomach, the racing heart, the shaking, the sheer dread of having to talk to people. The dread of life.

I'm going back to the doctor soon, and have been offered therapy. I had a really successful time of it when I was about 21 - lasted for 18 months. Every single Tuesday. And it helped without a doubt, but I was in a much worse way then: I literally couldn't leave the house, wasn't eating, drank a lot and was in a state of total morbidity. Now, on the surface, I have it all there for me: I'm successful damn it! But I can't see it. And I've been on the verge of a massive breakdown all year.

I do not know if it will pass, and I don't know what the hell to do.

This is my life, my living hell.

10-12-2009, 07:12 AM
HI Mate,

Where I read your story I could see my life. Only thing you have an advantage that you have recognized it earlier than me.
I was at your age Operations director of a very successful company but experiencing everything you are saying.
I can only say get help and try to get thing right for you as for me things have only got worse to the point where now I suffer with great bouts of depression as well.
So I wish you all the good fortune with your treatment.


Hi all.

I'm new here. Apologies if I've contravened the rules or something. This is my story.

I'm 28, apparently very successful, and a living, talking, gibbering wreck. I've been on anti-depressants for nine years. My father died when I was in my late teens. I stumbled upon a dream career, which lasted for four years, then recently gave it up. My depression hasn't had too much of an impact on my day-to-day existence, as it's manageable, but the extras associated with it - chronic, painful shyness; embarrassment; chronic blushing; awful low self esteem, perhaps a sprinkling of agoraphobia, and certainly a lot of social phobia - are now ruining my life. I would rather be dead at the moment rather than fight this.

I changed jobs recently which many have seen as a promotion by others. I see it as a chance to lead a more normal life, and if I was to tell you exactly what I'm doing, you'd think I have the world at my feet. Unfortunately, I can't even go to the shops without having some degree of anxiety or panic attack. I have had a sickening feeling in my stomach for the best part of ten or 15 years. It controls where I go, who I see, when I see them. I am in constant, terrifying fear. The world, it feels, is on my shoulders - and in many ways it is. For someone of my age, I have responsibilities of looking after my ageing mother and elder brother, neither of whom have a penny between them. I am pathetic and scared of life. I'm only happy when I'm on my own. Like now.

Meetings at work occupy my brain for days/hours before they get underway - not for the content themselves, but for how I look. For how I sound. For how others perceive me. For how I'm looking. Am I looking confident? Why am I sweating? My face is often so red through embarassment or fear, it looks like I've done a marathon (I don't exercise for that exact reason, which I knowingly admit is a vicious circle. Chicken and egg. If you don't exercise, you get fat, you get sweatier, you're more prone to heart attacks. Yet I can't go out much without having those panic attacks, and I'm too ashamed of how I look to go running. Fun, eh?)

Deep down, I have tremendous self belief in what I do and can do. I have hidden arrogance. Unfortunately, I've only ever worked at about 30% of my capabilities, which means bluffing my way through. If I had normal confidence - let's say, if I could work at 80 or 90% of my known ability - I have absolute confidence that I'd be doing something extraordinary, something that really inspired me and others. I had it on a plate but couldn't take it; it was just too hard. I wonder whether this confidence is just me bullshitting myself, tricking myself into believing (through hope) that one day it will get easier. That one day I won't have this gut-wrenching hold in my stomach, the racing heart, the shaking, the sheer dread of having to talk to people. The dread of life.

I'm going back to the doctor soon, and have been offered therapy. I had a really successful time of it when I was about 21 - lasted for 18 months. Every single Tuesday. And it helped without a doubt, but I was in a much worse way then: I literally couldn't leave the house, wasn't eating, drank a lot and was in a state of total morbidity. Now, on the surface, I have it all there for me: I'm successful damn it! But I can't see it. And I've been on the verge of a massive breakdown all year.

I do not know if it will pass, and I don't know what the hell to do.

This is my life, my living hell.

10-12-2009, 02:25 PM
Thanks S for the reply and the kind words.

You say I've recognised it early: well, I've had it since I was 17 but have managed to avoid it by either quitting jobs before I had to do anything important, like make a speech, or by generally avoiding large groups. Parties, and so on.

Out of interest, where are you (in your "career" - and yes I hate that word too) now?

And my sympathies re depression. I've had it for so long, and have been on 150mg+/day pills for nearly ten years, that it's something I'm used to. I trust and hope you've got help from your GP. For all the problems many people have with their doctors, I have to say both of mine have been superb. When I first went to see my old GP, I didn't even need to say much. He was a very cheery, outgoing, happy-go-lucky sort of bloke, but on this occasion he was stone-faced and deadly serious, quietly and very calmly (who knows how I'd have reacted!) telling me I probably needed a long bout of counselling, and medication for at least a year, maybe two, maybe five, maybe less. Without him, I'd be dead.

Well, S, would be intrigued to hear of your problems and how you deal with them...and where you are in your work life.

If by chance you happen to be in London, shout. We could have a beer (if we can find a pub that isn't full of people!!)


10-23-2009, 08:29 AM
Hi snow,ive sent you a pm (i hope you don't mind).

11-12-2009, 06:03 AM
Hi snow14,

As i read your story i thought that you had found a way into my mind and was writing on mybehalf. Albeit i have not found my dream job yet, in fact im unsure what i want but if i did i wouldnt do much about it because i suffer exactly like you do. The shyness, embarrassment, low self esteem, agoraphobia, and def social phobia are really bad for me also and have held me back in life for a long time.

I was on anti-depressants for ten years up until 12 weeks ago, i stopped because they made me feel detached from the real world, it was hard i have tried many times before but found i couldnt do it those times. This time though my fear of being on them for the rest of my life was far greater than not having them at all. I somehow thought i would find another way. When i was 7 my father died so i know how you feel there too, as i got older i too took on the role of looking after my mum and brother.

I have and still do suffer badly from depression/anxiety and im scared of life, and what it can do, but i also have seen better parts of life and so this helps me to push forward and keep trying. I would say the same for you keep pluging away no matter what.


01-16-2010, 03:23 AM
Hi Snow14

Hows it going?