View Full Version : Are these symptoms of anxiety?

10-11-2009, 11:35 AM
About two weeks ago I got food poisoning (at least i think it was food poisoning, since I had just eaten some spicy quail and i started feeling nauseous about 2 hrs later and I kept having to burp) and was up all night with vomiting and diarrhea. During this I kept thinking I had stomach cancer. I am constantly thinking the worst. Now I am scared to eat because I am scared of having diarrhea, even though I have been able to eat for the past week and I have gone to the restroom and everything was normal. Another thing that scares me is that sometimes I still feel nauseous. It usually happens when I start thinking about it. I'll think to myself, "I hope I wake up not feeling nauseous or I hope i don't feel nauseous today", and then I start to feel nauseous. I have been eating like normal for the the past week like I said but during and after the meal all i can think of is I hope this meal doesn't make me sick. I also get really bad acid reflux after I eat. My question is can all this (feeling nauseous) be in my head? Can we make ourselves sick by these constants thoughts? I am obsessing about this, i keep thinking that i am sick with stomach cancer. I hate the fact that I feel nauseous when I am thinking about it but then it goes away if I am playing a video game or when I am at work, but as soon as I start thinking about food I feel myself getting nauseous. Anyway, I thank all of you in advance for your answers. have a good one!!!

10-11-2009, 05:03 PM
About two weeks ago I got food poisoning (at least i think it was food poisoning, since I had just eaten some spicy quail and i started feeling nauseous about 2 hrs later and I kept having to burp) and was up all night with vomiting and diarrhea. During this I kept thinking I had stomach cancer. I am constantly thinking the worst. Now I am scared to eat because I am scared of having diarrhea, even though I have been able to eat for the past week and I have gone to the restroom and everything was normal. Another thing that scares me is that sometimes I still feel nauseous. It usually happens when I start thinking about it. I'll think to myself, "I hope I wake up not feeling nauseous or I hope i don't feel nauseous today", and then I start to feel nauseous. I have been eating like normal for the the past week like I said but during and after the meal all i can think of is I hope this meal doesn't make me sick. I also get really bad acid reflux after I eat. My question is can all this (feeling nauseous) be in my head? Can we make ourselves sick by these constants thoughts? I am obsessing about this, i keep thinking that i am sick with stomach cancer. I hate the fact that I feel nauseous when I am thinking about it but then it goes away if I am playing a video game or when I am at work, but as soon as I start thinking about food I feel myself getting nauseous. Anyway, I thank all of you in advance for your answers. have a good one!!!

If you felt 2 hours after eating something I would pretty much garauntee that you had food poisoning, and the fact that it cleared up further proves that!

The nauseous feeling can be in your head 100%, the moment you start to think about it you become aware of it and you start to bring it on yourself. As much as possible try not to think of it at all and if you do and you start to feel a bit sick just tell yourself its not real, your making it up and go do something else. Its not really there!