View Full Version : Struggling to Breathe. Please Reply

10-10-2009, 08:08 AM
Ive suffered with anxiety for about 5 years and OCD for about 3. Im on Fluoxetine pills (I think its Prozac) to combat this. Since the start of the year Ive had one thing wrong with after another, but 4 weeks ago I started to feel like I couldnt breathe ALL THE TIME. It feels like I have something blocking my throat or there is some type of imaginary filter in my throat. Also my chest can feel heavy or tight. Im worried about it alot of the time, but the thing that scares me the most even if im not worried it still seems to be there. I went to the doctors she said my breathing was fine and my lungs were clear and she gave me an inhaler just in case. But she didnt think it was ashma and the inhaler dont seem to work anyway. Does any one else have these types of symptoms. Or suffered with them in the past.

Thanks Randy

10-10-2009, 09:33 AM
i have the same problem every once in a while. i also have asthma so when my inhaler doesn't work, i know it's my anxiety. you could be experiencing a mild panic attack, or perhaps you're just feeling a little too anxious and you think you can't breathe, when really, you can. so don't worry, try to sit back and relax :)

10-22-2009, 09:29 AM
same here...I get these breathing problems during an attack. Try to take deep breaths (in thorugh your nose and out through your mouth) which will put oxygen into your brain and help you relax. The other option is (which I don't do) is to breath into a bag thorugh your mouth only.
Hope you'll get better.