View Full Version : What food and drink to avoid?

10-09-2009, 02:21 AM
I have anxiety(quite serious) and Im taking Lexapro...

I heard I should avoid caffeine such as coffee and tea.

What other drinks and food should i avoid?

Is chocolate / cocoa alright? I have no idea what to drink whenever i go out :(

10-12-2009, 04:48 PM
hi, ive found that caffeine doesnt affect my anxiety that much ( however, you may be different and it may affect you alot) but i know that alcohol really affects my anxiety,its not so much as im drinking but the next day when iv sobered up,i just feel awful and my anxiety is alot worse so if you choose to drink then drink in moderation,drink plenty of water before bed and make sure you get lots of sleep.sleep is vital for me.i dont think foods such as chocolate make much difference to anxiety but obviously its best to eat healthly but a bit of chocolate shouldnt hurt

10-13-2009, 04:54 AM
hi guys! diet is very important when it comes to anxiety, many people don't realise how much your diet can affect how you feel.

the important thing to rememeber is to limit these foods:
sugar, soft drinks, alcohol, caffeine (tea, coffee, coke), processed foods, junk food, foods with hidden sugars in them.

and also eat on a regular basis, don't skip meals or go for hours without eating. keep your body fuelled with a balanced diet, eat lots of complex carbohydrates that will keep your blood sugars balanced for longer - this is very important when dealing with anxiety as blood sugar lows can be a major problem for many people.

there are several reasons for this, but i've outlined it all in a big post here: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

you'll find lots of more information on what not to eat and how to eat better for your mental health :)

and also there's a great book you can pick up that has lots of helpful advice in it called Optimum Nutrition for your Mental Health by Patrick Holford, if you're interested give it a try.

11-11-2009, 08:11 PM
Caffeine, Alcohol and Aspartame.


11-12-2009, 09:22 AM
I have trouble when im not at home on what to drink.

As we all know Caffine is a no and should be completely avoided, be aware this can be found in alot of beverages so keep your wits about you.

I have de-caffinated coffee and redbush tea as my main hot drinks when at home. If you go out the only thing you can do is drink in moderation or choose maybe orange juice.

Your diet plays a Major role in tackling Anxiety and i suggest you read northstars link as this helped me ALOT.

Good luck