View Full Version : anxiety and scary intrusive thoughts

10-08-2009, 11:58 AM
Why do scary thoughts target our loved ones? I'm having this thoughts and I don't understand why. They scared me to death. Thouhgts about hurting my child who I love the most. I read that this is anxiety side effects and to let them go without paying attention but it's extremely difficult. I feel as if I'm going crazy.

Any help?

10-08-2009, 01:21 PM
I have similar feelings too. To most of my relatives it's as if I don't know them. Even when my parents split a few weeks ago it hardly affected me because I felt so detached. Also, my dog, who I used to love, I always tease and hurt, as if I cant control my actions.

10-08-2009, 03:38 PM
Because harmful thoughts about those that you love the most are the most FEARFUL thoughts.

Fear feeds these thoughts. Everybody has intrusive thoughts like that. Most people simply ignore them without a second thought. Those of us with heightened nerves who are in a state of high anxiety latch onto them with fear and give them life.

10-08-2009, 03:56 PM
Why do scary thoughts target our loved ones? I'm having this thoughts and I don't understand why. They scared me to death. Thouhgts about hurting my child who I love the most. I read that this is anxiety side effects and to let them go without paying attention but it's extremely difficult. I feel as if I'm going crazy.

Any help?

I have read that women who experience postpartum depression (I couldn't tell if this is a new birth or not) experience thoughts of harming their babies because they require so much time and attention, and it's really an unconscious and uncontrollable thought that many women have.

If your child is older than that, you might be having a similar experience, but with and older child. If that is the case, the solution would be for you to have some time devoted to yourself so that you can regain your sanity once again.

The good news is that you are normal, not a bad person, and as long as you are not acting on the thoughts and realize they are bad (which you do), then you are doing fine...just do some things to take care of yourself and explain to your child that mom needs some of her alone time sometimes and you'll be okay.

Hope this helps.