View Full Version : Derealization

10-08-2009, 09:51 AM
Im not going to type a back story because I have another post for that. Ok, sometimes I will just get maybe a split second of derealization (What I think is derealization) that will cause me to grip onto anything im holding tighly due to fear and to re-anchor myself. Are there any things that could be triggering this quick flashes. Unless its something else.

10-17-2009, 02:33 PM
Well, this is typically a symptom of panic, and panic can often be a result of a certain situation or set of cirumstances. Is there a particular set of cirumstances or a situation that seems to be happening that brings on this panic? Take a note of where you are and what is going on, and come back with your results, and hopefully, that will shed some insight.

10-22-2009, 07:20 PM
oh I've experienced that since I was about 14/15 years old.(I'm 25 now) It almost ALWAYS comes out of nowhere, its a very common symptom of the disorder.

10-22-2009, 07:30 PM
It is very common and a bit scary at times as well

When i happens to me it feels like what is going on around me, that i am in a movie theatre watching it on a screen but its happening to me , if that makes any sense

Like im standing back from a far watching what i am seeing

10-23-2009, 05:44 AM
I have been experiencing this for a few months now, or what I believe is this.

It feels like everything is just unreal, like I take in everything into my mind but it's off somehow. Very frustrating.... Seems to usually happen around the evening, very rarely at the morning or during the day. Maybe you can see if there is a constant when you experience this, to see if anything in particular might be triggering it.

10-23-2009, 05:46 PM
Sorry, I forgot about this post. yeah it happens always at night or late evening. They come out of the blue normally but playing on 3D games makes them more frequent for some reason. It only lasts a split seconds but after having a small bit it sort of makes me scared which opens up the way for more.

10-26-2009, 10:30 AM
Hi guys n girls,

I have been studying de-realisation for some time now as an ex sufferer of Anxiety this is the only symtom that remains.

Very little is known about this is the medical word however there is hope, it's just working out how everyday life enhances this.

I find that Playing computer games for a long period makes this worse but when playing it's not as noticable why??? Well it's all about directing your mind away from de-realisation but it wont cure you im afraid.

So what helps?

Well as in avid gamer i put down my keyboard and gave up gaming for hour and hours on end.... this helps but takes time before you notice a differance.

Sleep: This is one of the BEST things to help and makes a huge differance. You may notice that de-realisation is worse in the morning or late evening... your mind is tired thus making it worse.

Excerise: Hard to do when you suffer from this and often makes it worse for a while but as a whole it will help you over time.

Diet: I am taking multi vitamins which does help but im unsure which vitamin is helping me but it helps all the same. Half an asprin a day has a possitve effect to though im again unsure why, maybe it allows the blood to run more freely through the brain as it does thin the blood.

Alcohol: Makes it worse and shoud be avoided where possible.

Lighting: Floresent lighting has an effect too but im not 100% why, i susspect its the way it flickers so fast the human eye doesnt notice making your brain work overtime, just a guess really.

Crowded places: Again tricky to why it maybe worse here but i supsect with so much going on around you, again the brain is stuggling to calculate your surroundings.

I suffer from this 24/7 and get no breaks at all, most of the above maybe helpfull to you for now.

I really hope i can give you/me some good news because i stumbled accross a medicine that has been proven to work for us, it's called "Klonopin". I have an appointment to see the Doctor on Wednesday so i can get my hands on some.

Please post any other helpful info if you guys have any. I will come back with the results of the meds once ive tried it out.