View Full Version : Feeling good!

10-02-2009, 05:39 AM
Hi guys just wanted to let u all no feeling really great today and i just wanted to share my possitivity with u all! i'm even driving to my aunts later about an hour away in rush hour on the M25 arghhhhhhhh all on my own and then we're going out for the night i'm a little nervouse but trying not to think about it just hoping i'll sleep ok at her house but i am determand to stay possitive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know this sounds strange but i've swapped white bread with this low gi soya linseed bread and its making me feel so much better alot more energy and not so slugish! anyway i wiull stop boring u all now lol hope u all have a good day today! Remember stay POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

10-05-2009, 12:58 AM
thanks great sweetie keep it up!!
I hope you have a good night out!!!

10-06-2009, 09:56 AM
Thanx lyndsey!

A little update made it to my aunts ok i was panicking bad going through the toll traffic!!!! but i made it woo hoo! even though i was terrified, the joy of getting thier on my own over came that massivley! the next moring after not much sleep but better than normal for someone else's house i got home fine and proud! by the way i didnt know the exact way to my aunts as my husband drove us before so also that was scary but with my possitivity i though f**k it i can do this, i know i can and i did!