View Full Version : does anyone feel like this at all or am i going mad really

10-01-2009, 09:15 AM
hi was wanting some advise really that im not just alone i am so petrified at the moment of going mad or haveing schizophrinia or seeing things or even hearing things. it really scares me y do i think like this im so scared of loseing my kids if i go mad scared of loseing my husband cause im like this its not normal surely. i walk round the house sometime talking to myself but in my mind saying i might go mad and everyone will laugh at me or i will be put in a mental home plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz someone help thanx so much nicola

10-01-2009, 10:10 AM
hi nicola, trust me u are not going mad, i used to feel the exact same things, thinking i was going mad, scared i would hear voices, scared to look in mirrors and stuff, but again u are not going mad it is all part of anxiety and panic attacks and i time you can learn to deal with it, it's been over a year and a half for me.

It all started out of the blue and went on for months until i started to develop agraphobia, i didn't want to leave the house for fear of a panic attack. but then i got so sick of it i thought no this is not going to ruin my life which it was starting to do and i fought back i read as much as i could about my condition, which really helped me to understand the symptoms i was feeling and the experiences i was having. i found out that all this was brought on by my own ways of thinking and that it was a learned habit which can be broken, i no this might sound strange to you now but trust me look in to it, i tried the linden method which really helped me google it. and i spoke to an uncle who had been through the same thing using CBT (cognative behavioural therapy) and that helped him. i will not lie to ya it has been a battle but it is one worth fighting cause you dont want to keep on in the same cycle of anxiety for years and years. hope this has helped.............. if i can be of any further help do not hesitate to pm me.......... :D