View Full Version : Stomach/Heart? Pressure on stomach relieves

09-30-2009, 03:58 PM

Have any of you ever had a strange, not exactly painful but VERY uncomfortable feeling somewhere around your stomach? And does it sort of make you think about your heart to the point where you feel very stiff in the chest?

I've had this problem for ages, but it usually went away. But two days ago I got the feeling, and it hasn't let up.

The odd thing is that the feeling is sometimes relieved if I put pressure, usually my middle and index finger, onto the center of my body, about two inches above my belly button. When I do this, the feeling in my heart (which I am assuming is all in my head) doesn't go away, nor does the feeling in my stomach, but it does help me bear with it.

Sometimes I'd get it after work, and I would drive all the way home, hunched over, applying pressure to my middle.

It is really odd.

After years and years, I am finally trying to do something about it.

Malox doesn't work. Zantec doesn't help. I am about to try some Pepto Bismo.

I usually get this feeling when I am particularly anxious or stressed.

I am hoping someone knows what it is, and perhaps knows a simple OTC remedy for it.

Anxiety bites.

09-30-2009, 08:00 PM
I get this same feeling too. You're right. It's not necessarily painful, but it is EXTREMELY agitating/aggravating. I've tried maalox and tums, to no results. Possibly try eating a light snack, maybe crackers. How often do you eat?

And yes-- anxiety does bite. Stress and tension affects some people very hard. I know first hand. Hang in there. Like I said, maybe try eating something, when I get anxious I forget to eat, and not eating causes a lot of symptoms: the headaches, stomach aches, fatigue, etc.

Good luck to you!!!