View Full Version : What do you think's wrong with me?

09-29-2009, 01:42 PM
Hi guys,

Looking for a bit of feedback with regards to a problem that's been lingering over me for a couple of years.

Basically, when Im walking on my own outside or in a building with many people , I feel really uncomfortable and feel quite stressed.

Im a happy 21 year old who has everything that he wants in life but recently, Im beginning to stumble over my words when I speak to people aswell. when i try and speak, i think about what Im going to say and it never comes out right.

Is this anxiety? or am I on the complete wrong forum!

hoping someone could help me out :)


09-29-2009, 03:33 PM
Hi andy32!

It may be anxiety... but note that it is not necessarily an anxiety disorder. A bit of anxiety is normal, if it doesn't stop you from doing things that you are required to do frequently. If you were being hindered by that anxiety, then we could be talking about social-related anxiety (if so, there are many people here who are just the same). If it doesn't cause you to completely avoid those situations, it may just be regular shyness... you seem to be more self-aware in public spaces, and concerned about your image, right?

When speaking with other people, sounds like you started to be more concerned with what they think of you, causing you to plan what you will say previously. That's not uncommon at all, especially around middle and end of teen years. My first advice would be to try to trust yourself as you had until recently, being as spontaneous as you feel comfortable with and trying to avoid pre-planning. Work on your self-esteem as often as possible.

And you're never in the wrong forum, here :) Feel free to discuss as much as you want and share your concerns.

10-08-2009, 04:32 PM
Hi guys,

Basically, when Im walking on my own outside or in a building with many people , I feel really uncomfortable and feel quite stressed.

Im a happy 21 year old who has everything that he wants in life but recently, Im beginning to stumble over my words when I speak to people aswell. when i try and speak, i think about what Im going to say and it never comes out right.


It sounds like anxiety, but is it a diagnosis? Hard to say, but it is bothering you and it is making things that most people your age can do fairly difficult. A fear of being outside is agoraphobia, but don't take this as a diagnosis because I simply don't know your situation well enough to make that determination. A fear of being around large crowds of people could be social anxiety or claustrophobia.

When you think too much about what you say and it comes out wrong...this is social anxiety no doubt. Does it qualify for a diagnosis? Who knows? Can you get help for it and fix the situation? Absolutely. Please talk to us more and let us know what is going on; read books and personal stories to gain an understanding of social anxiety and see if it fits you.

The good news: social anxiety can be cured, so hang in there, figure out how it bothers you, and then make a plan for moving past it. Good luck and ask more questions if you need to!