View Full Version : I can't take this no more

09-26-2009, 08:15 PM
HELP!!!!!!! I've had anxiety issues since 19....but I would only have a panic attack maybe 1-2 times a year. I am now 25, and the past 6 months it's bad, I have anxiety all day long. My balance is off, I have constant headaches, I hate walking...and being in public places forget it. I wonder if it's a underlying cause that is making the anxiety go haywire, or if it's the anxiety that's causing it. It's preventing me from living a normal life. I received a job offer recently, I didn't even think i would get the job, seeing as that during the interview I was panicking TERRIBLY and holding my head due to these daily headaches... I can't stand this no more.

The daily/all day long anxiety started RIGHT AFTER I got off of a plane trip from Florida. I looked into that, and it could be mal de debarquement syndrome, which is scary because it says sometimes that could take years to go away, if at all. I'm so scared, I don't know what to do anymore. I just want to feel normal again

09-27-2009, 10:11 PM
Do u want to know something really creepy????? My anxiety started right after I got back from a cruise to mexico in april 09 I hd to fly on two diff planes there and back and I was on that ship for a week! All to strange but here's some good news for you my unbalanced issue has went away it took a while maybe 3 months of it but maybe 1 or 2 times a week! What I think it is the mind is so powerful that u can cause urself to hv. These symptoms because after 7 months of doc visits and all I concluded it was all stress related and then one day last week I was like wow my anxietys gone med free I didn't hv to take nothin but slowly and surely its creepin back on again and I think that's just because I have been thinking about it good luck though!

09-28-2009, 09:32 AM
Thank you for your response. It's just extremely frustrating not feeling like myself. I feel like I'm a former shell of what I used to be. It's agitating feeling like you're not all there...or that I'm going to freak out in public. It's never happened...so I don't know why I'm so scared. I used to have so much confidence, loved going out, etc. Now, I feel so limited to what I can do. I'm going to keep fighting it though.

09-28-2009, 11:25 AM

How are you feeling? It's so strange how it can come and go. Sometimes the smallest thing can trigger you back to panic.

I was having attacks almost daily so I can sympathize with you. Luckily I have been free for 2 1/2 years.

Has your diet changed at all in the last few months. More or less water. Sounds simple, but sometimes the simple changes hold the key.

Wishing you all the best,

09-28-2009, 06:50 PM
thehatchedegg: I'm feeling very strange....constant headaches in the back of head, neck pain, and a little off balance. I've yet to fall over, but my stamina is pretty much shot. It's been getting a little better, because I am learning to not stress as much. My diet has changed. I used to drink about a gallon of iced tea a day....lotta fast food. I stopped with the tea, and fast food, because my anxiety was coming back. I still smoke, I'm down to about 7-10 a day, which is a lot better then I used to be at a pack a day. It's just very scary, I wonder will I ever recover? I don't drink much water...I will try that. Thank you for your response.