View Full Version : chest issues

09-26-2009, 07:15 PM
How many people have chest issues related to anxiety and stress - I am not talking about chest pain after a attack I'm talking about symptoms of anxiety!!! I have chest pains that are not very painful but discomfortin but they move all around from the left to the right and when I take ib profin they go away but I am still freakin about heart issue

09-27-2009, 06:29 AM
If u was having a heart attack i'm sure ibruporfen would not make it go away, so if that is what u are thinking it is i wouldnt worry urself :)

09-27-2009, 08:09 PM
Let me explain what I mean!!! I have chest discomfort that moves from one side of the breast bone to the other and I am scared that its a heart issue! That can lead to a heart issue even though my doctor said that's unlikely because I have had clear EKGs but how accurate are they????

09-28-2009, 03:54 AM
ecg is very acurate, how many have u had? i know how u feel belive me i have had something very similar and i ended up in a&e twice having ecg's when i felt my worse they was both clear, i too didnt belive they were acurate but after i worked in a cardiothorasic centre and they explaned alot to me about it all, i have since realise that the pain i used to get witch went across my breast bone quite intense i would wake up with it through the night too it was just excess stomach acid from getting stressed but because it didnt feel like heartburn i was convinced i had a heart problem! i also had a doctor check me over thourghly and he said my heart sounded fine i was just extreamly stressed.

I'm sry i aint the best at explaining what i mean but i am just trying to reasurre u because i went through the same kinda thing and it was nothing! i was compleatly stressed out bad over it and that was just making the pains more frequent and stronger i didnt belive anyone either and questioned everything but when i finally excepted there was nothing wrong the pains went! :) i hope this help u if u want to ask me anything just ask.

09-28-2009, 05:34 PM
The first step you took was the most important, which was going to a doctor to rule out organic causes. If you'd feel more confortable, you can always seek a second doctor's opinion, without overdoing it.

If there are no physical causes, candystarrstarr's response seemed to me very relevant.

Assuming we are talking about anxiety symptoms: when you experience the symptoms and your mind interprets them as something else, it is natural that the anxiety flares up and causes you to experience pain. This may lead to a circle, of anxiety-worry-symptom. Ask your doctor if he thinks it may be anxiety, and how you can best deal with it.

Either way, don't worry about the heart...trust your doctors, and put your mind at ease. That may in itself be a way to start reducing the anxiety and its effects.