View Full Version : fed up of going to doctors

09-24-2009, 02:10 AM
hey guys,

I have been to the docs about 7 times now, with a few probelsm i have had loads of tests including barum swallow i am yet to have an endoscope. today i went to the docs and they said i might be anxiety just wondered if any of the following sympton is related

throat problems
chest pains
achy joints
heart palp
shortness of breathe
thought of fever but when someone feels my head im not

09-25-2009, 07:47 PM
yes those symptoms can all be related to anxiety. Good luck!


09-27-2009, 08:16 AM
As long as all of the tests are clear & the doctor suggests it might be anxiety - there are lots of things you can do to try to help with those symptoms.

Keep yourself hydrated through the day

Eat Healthy adding lots of green veggies

If ok with your Dr. Take a multi, fish oil, B complex, Mag/cal - to make sure you are balanced

Add more exercise - Yoga is great too. Interval training will help with the stress.


Limit Sugar & Caffeine

These things will get you headed in the right direction.

I have had all of those symptoms too. Just try not to fear them, it makes it worse.

Wishing you all the best,

09-28-2009, 02:13 AM
thanks guys for your replys, i have had several test chest xray,blood test barium swallow, and a test were they put wires on your chest not sure what that was called though.

but todays a new day, i have got a terrible stabbing pain in my tit and my chest feels so tigght its making me short for breathe and im shaking :(

09-28-2009, 04:03 AM
I have had all of these things with my anxiety, just except then let it flow dont be scared of them if u get them just say to yourself 'ok so i have this feeling or pain again i'm just gonna except it it cant harm me and it will pass like it always dose'! this helps me alot i hope it helps u too. :)

09-29-2009, 03:17 AM
really bad chest pains again, tempature just feel really crap, dizzy and blurried vision.
mate said i should get tested for hiv fed up with all these tests

09-29-2009, 04:07 AM
You can see that the symptoms of HIV infection are very similar to the symptoms of any disease caused by infection such as tonsillitis, chest infection, influenza etc. All of these are much more common and it is much more likley that if you do have these that they are not early symptoms of HIV but symptoms due to something else. Anxiety itself is a powerful condition and can persuade people that they have symptoms which in fact they don't.

This is off a hiv website hope this helps abit? if u had it and u say u have had routine bood tests before would it not of shown up already? :)

09-29-2009, 04:26 AM
i thought that but apprenatly you have to have a certain blood test and it dosent show up on normal blood test like glan fever does.

its true that all the symptons seem to match up with flu and general illness i wouldnt be panicing but because i have slept with people with protection it gets you thinking

09-29-2009, 07:08 AM
Do u mean without? if u do we have nearly all at sometime made that mistake more than once, but honestly its probably just anxiety have the test if it puts ur mind at ease, if its clear then maybe start concentrating on helping yourself feel more positive, i have been to see doctors all my life about all different illnesses, convinced i've got this or that! only when a doctor sits me down and show me my results are clear do belive them and then normally the sypmtoms to what eva i thought i had go away! but then i new one will come along and i think omg this time it really could be an illness and if i dont do something i could get really ill and die! its a matter of knowing when to draw that line and right now this is wot i am doing and i'm doing quite well its amazing how much better u can feel when u get chest pain and u think honestly i know this is really just heartburn indigestion ect! i hope by sharing this with u it makes u feel a bit better! :)

09-30-2009, 02:59 AM
Have you tried some indegestion tablets? I suffered from chest pains with Anxiety for ages but one day driving home i thought hmm maybe i can try some. I got some and it went :) Worth a try.

09-30-2009, 04:06 AM
thanks for responding guys :)
yes listening to your expierneces does help me alot.
i have been taking gaviscon (spell check) and lots of pharacetamol, just wish i could get rid of this dizziness and chest pain

10-13-2009, 02:07 AM
gosh getting really fed up with this now, this morning i wake up and my eyes hurt like hell having problems not seeing things but just feel wierd.
also keep getting hot and cold flushes which is keeping me awake at night, really hate cold flushes :(

10-19-2009, 12:34 PM
Hey guys quick question is anexity with u 24 hrs a day or does it come and go? Are the symptons there all the time

10-19-2009, 09:13 PM
Hey guys quick question is anexity with u 24 hrs a day or does it come and go? Are the symptons there all the time

Hi Joe
Somedays its with me 24 hours, other days when im not feeling to bad its not there all the time, but its always in the back of my mind when or how far away is the next one.

The more we think about it the more we fuel our anxiety and it wont go, everybody has certain levels of anxiety and its how our brain determines to deal with it that makes some people suffer and others dont.

Our brain is a powerfull thing and the physical symptoms it can make us feel from our anxiety are horrible to us, try to re assure yourself you know your not going to die from it, you have had attacks and feelings before and that never happened,

It sounds like you have been tested throughly by doctors and they have found nothing serious there, thats your proof that you have no physical illness thats the easy part, the hard part is trying to make yourself believe that there is nothing physically wrong with you and each time you feel a symptom not saying to yourself that you have something horrible wrong with you.

If you can believe that and re assure yourself by saying i have have numerous tests all with negative results hopefully that will start to ease your mind a bit, we have to try not to associate these feelings as soon as we get them with anxiety, the minute our brain does that an attack is almost unavoidable, i think thats the thing that keeps feeding our anxiety , yes its a viscous circle but we need to try to change the way we interpret our feelings

If i was to tell you over and over every day that the colour blue is really black you would start to believe that and i think thats what is happening to you with your brain telling you there is something seriously wrong over time you will believe that, even though you have proof that there isnt by the many tests you have had

Stick with it there is light at the end of the tunnel and i know by talking about it you will find comfort in that, we all feel better talking to strangers people who dont know us and wont judge us, as we fear our friends will not understand or think we are crazy. The truth is we are not crazy

Good luck with it