View Full Version : Last night was one of the hard ones

09-23-2009, 09:48 AM
I have read about vivid nightmares associated with having anxiety. I have always had vivid dreams, but lately... they are happening multiple times a week and they are so vivid that I wake up feeling like I have been lifting weights for hours and punching walls from gripping my fists. I already sleep with a mouthpiece in. I grind and clench my teeth and have already broken one tooth, so the mouthpiece helps that, but I am already biting holes into it. They are so realistic that I feel as if I am actually living these dreams and it is slowly chipping away at me. I feel that if I actually went through the things in my dreams when I was awake that I just wouldn't be able to take life anymore.

Any recommendations?

09-23-2009, 11:42 AM
Hey hurley,

Yea, I'm not into the psycobable stuff, but some how it seems to make sence. I would get together with a close friend or family member, even if you belly up to a bar. What I think needs to happen is you need remember/write down these dreams, as they happen. Try and capture the dream down to every detail you possibly can. Then take this and talk to the family member or close friend. You'll have to figure out what these dreams mean. What is effecting you in your life now, or in the past that is making you have these dreams. I do think it's true that your sub concious comes alive in your sleep. Your not making a decision to think about these things.

I had things happen that i wouldn't call nightmares. One was a lady that I didn't know came into my room knocked my door as to wake me up.... she shouted "wake up". I woke up though similar to the way you did. I was having this dream and witnessing it from the place that i was sleeping.... my room. So i woke up and thought that someone was in the house. It was scary. It took about 2-3 minutes for me to figure out that it was a dream.

I didn't think much of it.. Untill i realized there was something there. I'm just now figuring out what that is.

The reason I say get a good friend or family member, is becuase I think you should practice this with someone that knows you. Sometimes it's better to allow someone that is outside looking in to see what's going on. It's hard to be the one in the situation and see everything. If you want you can message me, and keep some correspondance with me. I won't be as effective as a friend or family member. With Q&A we may be able to get to the bottom of it all.

Somethings just need to surface, and when we keep it in all the time, no matter what our intension they try to surface. Things that you think are irrelevent. Yet they imprint you. Our consious mind doesn't realize that we are in fact running away. Or not facing. Or mind and body wants to be healthy, and it will detatch and surface things that we don't control. Think of it as a pendulum. We give and take a little now, and maybe a little later. Sooner or later the pendulum swings throug the bottom center. That's the way it was designed. It's my opinion that a healthy life styles and habbits keep the pendulun swinging at the bottom, back and forth with very lettle time in between reaching center, and not to much distance from side to side. What you would call a balance. Again a lot of the things that erratically throw the pendulum far to one side or the other aren't always with in our control. What happens is sooner or later we have to the abilty to shed light and allocate control. That's what you need to do. Once you put it togther it can be a very short road to recovery....

09-23-2009, 12:04 PM
The dreams are always about the same two things. My fiance cheating on me or going back to my ex-boyfriend of 4 years.

Psychobable.... I have already worked that one out. My ex cheated on me, spit in my face, forced me to leave with physical violence while he was 'entertaining' someone else in his apartment. I know that was an unhealthy relationship and I think that I am jaded, going to always have a inner fear of my partners cheating on me.

As for why I would ever want to go back to him... who knows! Awake, conscious me, has no desire to ever even see him again. I even tried contacting him recently to see if that would trigger the dreams to disappear. Well, it worked for about 4 days.

I have talked to a few psychology professors about a medication or treatment that can lessen dreams and apparently there is no such thing, only things to enhance dreams.

I am looking for anything that could possibly make these dreams go away. My whole day is screwed if I have a really vivid dream. I am exhausted, tense and over all annoyed.

09-24-2009, 02:54 PM
I just spent 20 minutes replying. My browser stopped responding and dumped it all. I think I can help you. Message me with an em-mail address I'm going to have to respond with a video message or something...