View Full Version : Just a quick question

09-22-2009, 01:00 PM
i suffer from acute anxiety attacks almost everytime i hear someone sniffing for long periods of time in a class room or convined space, i tried hypnotherapy almost two years ago and it seemed to work for a period of time with a bit of work most of the time, but the anxiety has gotten the better of me for a while now and i cant seem to get out of it, it is the only reason i ever get them but sometimes it can lead to really heavy depression where i can't talk to anybody or look at anybody and i break down crying for practically no reason. i was wondering ifanybody taught anxiety pills would be an appropriate solution to help cope? sometimes it feels like it's getting progressively worse and i feel it is going to go over board some day. any advice is much appreciated

09-29-2009, 03:54 PM
Hi tarmac! There are medications to help reduce anxiety, but these are usually just a way to feel slightly better, not addressing the real issue.

If you have the possibility, I'd suggest talking to a counselor and explaining the problem, so that you can cooperatively determine the actual causes of your anxiety attacks... it's the best way to make them go away, certainly better than just sweeping the issue under the rug with medication.