View Full Version : how do i help him

03-02-2006, 04:40 AM
hello everyone, great site i have been reading the posts and wondered if anyone could give me some advice ......

my hubby is suffering dreadfully with acute anxiety, he is holding down a job, but is worried and stressed and so terribly anxious sometimes he cant sleep. he had a month off work just after christmas, the dr gave him anti depressants, but he feels that he is better off at work being in the house was really getting him down. I was trying to get him to take the dog out for a walk, take up one of his old hobbys but he just could't seem to get any thing to interest him, he finds it hard to be in the same room as the kids if they make noise it makes him anxious

When all the the dreaded bills arrived after christmas he decided that he would rather be at work, and earning money.as it was more stressful worrying about losing his job!and he thought it might be better to be busy working as sitting around was driving him crazy

he is on medication for depression, had a couple of different ones since Christmas but there not really helping (yet) i realise they take a long time to kick in, he also has been perscribed valium just for when he gets a really bad attack, the dr gave him tamazipam to help him sleep but he has hardly shut his eyes I dont know how to help him for the best.i know the vallium can become addictive and he is getting 5(mg ?)now as the (2mg) didn't help at all , they are just for when he is really anxious...and I am worried he gets addicted to them on top of everything else how long would it be ok for him to take them ?? if he hasn't had much sleep he seems to be even more anxious the next day.he only took his first sleeping tablet last night but was still awake nearly all the night.

can anyone give me some advice please ?

I just want to say the right things to him,as I dont think i can just at the present time whats the best way to reassure him he is scared he wont get any better.......

he has become a hypocondriac worry's about any ache or pain he has no matter how slight.......the dr told him to relax and he cant is there anything I can do to help this ?

03-02-2006, 05:32 AM
Hi there!

I'm not good at giving out advice however I can recommend somethings for you if that's any good.

I have suffered with Generalized Anxiety Disorder for 6 months, with panic attacks and agoraphobia. I can relate to everything you have writtne in your post and how your husband feels.

I'm not sure about the effects of valium however, the anti anxiety/anti depressant medication I am on has taken 3 - 6 months for me to feel o.k. I suppose it may vary depending upon the persons situation. Your husband must persist with the medication as it will help long-term.

My boyfriend found me and my anxiety very hard to deal with at first, but without his support and kind words I wouldn't be where I am today. You must be patient and supportive. Maybe do some reading up on anxiety.

When my anxiety was at its worst, I couldn't bear bright lights, noise, large crowds and fussing over me. I was happiest sat quietly away from everyone. And whatever my family/friends said to me, I was not interested. Anxiety can also make you lack concentration, indecisive, etc.

It is a known fact that fatigue can make anxiety and its symptoms feel worse. I used to sleep alot at the beginning of my illness just so i coulc cope. Now, as long as I have a good nights sleep, I am o.k. Your husband does need to rest and sleep is a healer. Your body recovers and heals itself whilst sleeping.

Enocurage your husbamd to walk the dogs, etc. but be supportive and offer your help without pressuring him.

There are some books by Claire Weekes that have become my bible the past 5 months. Relaxation is also a MUST!! Even if it's simple breathing exercises.

I hope I've been of some help to you.
Em x x

03-22-2006, 01:13 AM
Hello, I am going through the same thing as your husband. Unfortunately, I am not able to work right now. Recently, I have been trying natural cures. What seems to work for me, helps calm me somewhat is FISH OIL capsules... Here is a site where they have been using it successfully... http://www.mcmanweb.com/article-15.htm :roll: