View Full Version : giving up

09-18-2009, 08:31 AM
Guys I have been really struggling this week!
my hallucations are getting really scary
I had one in a displanary meeting for my absence.
there were 3 people in the room instead of the two.
It was my dad standing behind my boss.
Which brought me to panic which stopped me from speaking to fight my corner ! GREAT!
no amount of meds will make them go away I dont know what to do anymore.
I just want a realse from my own mind for just a day
a break!
I have stopped sleeping again.
help guys I am really upset
I am starting to lose the battle

09-20-2009, 05:32 PM
Sorry to say, but I think you might have more than anxiety disorder if you are experiencing hallucinations. People who simply have anxiety disorder have GREAT fear of one day having hallucinations. But it never actually happens. Your best bet is to talk to a mental health professional on this one.

09-21-2009, 06:00 PM
I concur. Hallucinations are a greater deal all together, like schizophrenia or psychosis linked to another disorder. Definitely, please see a mental health professional, especially considering the desperation in your post.

09-22-2009, 04:24 PM
I hope you are doing OK. Do you know why you might have seen your dad? Was is for a long time, or just a second? I "saw" a man in the woods once, that wasn't really there, at least I don't think so! It was the spring after my dad died, but it wasn't him. He looked like a soldier, from the old days. I just saw him for a second. I can't recall that ever happening any other time. Were you able to see someone for counseling yet? I think once you do, you'll feel better, knowing you're getting help. Sometimes when I go to see my psychoanalyst, i feel anxiety, and it takes awhile for me to talk about what I want. But I always feel calm afterward.
You CAN get better! Hang in there!

09-27-2009, 07:28 AM
getting better on stronger meds but they are making me really dopey
and I zone out on a daily basis.
Its really hard to get over but I am determind to not let this beat me!

09-27-2009, 07:34 AM
Well hang in there! I know it gets old, battling this stuff, but we can learn how to help ourselves feel better. It's a tough journey, but it will be worth it. I'd been doing better, but now hubby started drinking and arguing last night. So I'm not feeling so great about things right now, and felt some of the panic coming back. Gonna take the dog for a long walk and try to get a better attitude! I've been working hard at losing weight, that would help my self-esteem, too.