View Full Version : Anxiety without knowing? and other symptoms...

09-16-2009, 04:02 PM

Can you have anxiety without even realising it? What I mean is, sometimes I'll just be there not thinking about anything worrying, not thinking about anxiety and just getting on with whatever I am doing, and I will start noticing symptoms such as being a little shaky (hardly noticable), a little lightheaded (not dizzy), heart rate going up. My heart rate is always fast but my doctor said he has no worries about my heart. I've had ECGs and an x-ray in the past.

I get typical symptoms of an adrenaline release but I can't figure out what's causing the adrenaline to be released? If it even is adrenaline. I thought it was blood sugar, but I bought a glucose tester and it's not that. I thought it was foods I was eating, so I changed my diet and the symptoms went away for a while, now they're back. I don't know what's going on and I've diagnosed myself with every possible disease or illness that I can relate my symptoms to (which is basically everything). I try to think positively and forget about everything but can't take my mind off my health.

I find myself saying things in my head like "I hope my heart is healthy" over and over and over in my head, all day. I can't stop. I also say stupid things like "I hope I'm okay", "I want to be healthy", "I hope I'm going to be okay" and various other stuff.

I try to do things that will take my mind off things, but no matter what, I still can't stop thinking about my health.

I also get these weird feelings on certain places. Sometime I feel a sudden warmth that disappear quickly (always on the left leg, on the outside). Sometimes I feel a strange sensation, like my skin is tightening up or something is "rubbing" over my skin, like slik. I was getting this on my left foot on the inside of the ankle and it's been happening on my neck, chest and under my chin recently, and sometimes I get it on my head! It is freaking me out. I'm not sure if it's tension or not but I have been very tense in the jaw and shoulders and in the upper body in general

I hate these symptoms!

Does anyone else have anything similar to me? I feel alone like I'm on my own :(

*EDIT*. I also get skipped heart beats but I only really notice it when I'm led down. Is this normal?

09-21-2009, 06:10 PM
Usually, with people suffering from anxiety, the panic or symptoms don't come from out of no where. Something triggers it. It varies from person to person, but just sitting there calmly and suddenly having physical sensations... I'd get your doc to do a whole body check. Make sure that your thyroid is functioning properly, to check your vitamin and iron levels. Rule out all the treatable, physical things before thinking phantom anxiety.

09-21-2009, 06:43 PM
Actually, sometimes there is anxiety from nowhere. This is typically what is most bothersome for me. While there is certainly anxiety that can be attributed to certain events it is a general angst that often is my most difficult thing to handle. Since I am older now I am "used" to it, but it I had a lot of consequences when I was younger and I didn't know that I was anxious. I had nothing to compare it to. I knew I had some symptoms, but just thought that was normal. It was normal for me.

09-21-2009, 06:51 PM
I could have taken the original post the wrong way... I just felt that the way she described it was not an anxiety thing. There is almost always a trigger. A picture, a person, a word, a sound, a smell, a thought of something in the future... might be subtle and hard to see and maybe people can have repressed memories and they are being triggered without realizing it...

I just wanted to give the original poster the idea to check in on their physical health completely in case it was actually something serious and treatable. Anxiety is a hard battle (as we all know), so better check everything out first. Plus... how many people on here are having anxiety over the idea of anxiety. Hypochondriacs commonly have anxiety and having an anxiety order is just another thing to worry about!

09-22-2009, 02:57 PM
I agree that we should always look at general physical health first. Problems with blood sugar are one of the first things to look at when experiencing symptoms of anxiety.