View Full Version : Anxiety and Pregnancy

09-15-2009, 02:41 PM
Good day!
I would like to know anyone who has or is suffering from GAD and depression and it pregnant or has recently had a baby.

I'm going to be having my first child in about 4 weeks and am starting to get some of my panicky feelings back.

I am starting to think "What if I can't cope?" and "Will my anxiety/panic attacks come back once the baby is born?"

I have been off meds since June 2008 and relapsed in Oct. 2008, but after reading and using the techniques of "PanicAway," I've been good and since pregnancy, I've been real good. No attacks!

Tell me about your experience with this.

09-17-2009, 11:55 AM
Well I have had social anxiety all my life but not extreme once I get to know the person then its fine but as far as GAD and depression I have that now and come to find out all my symptoms started with post partum depression! I have two children 5 and 13 months it all started when my second child turned 6months I take care of them all day on my own because my husband works full time 8 am to 8 pm everyday except wed and sun and when he's home he wants to do things he wants to do cause he works all the time!!!! But that's ok I guess but guess who never gets a break??? Mama doesn't I do everything in regards to my children and the house to makin sure the bills are paid basically he just supplys the money to do so! Child rearin is hard but hang in there its so worth it! I'm 24 btw