View Full Version : breaking point

09-14-2009, 03:08 PM
2 days ago I had doctors cops and my family try restain me as i was going to kill myself.

I cant fight it anymore, all they have giving me is more sedatives and up my dosage of lexapro to 20mg.

I have nothing, they couldnt hold me in a hospital as there's no bed, and I'm now not a loud leave the house, They are meant to help me, but no one has talked to me all day.
they more they dont talk to me, the less i feel. I'm numb and ready to die.

nothingelse left for me

09-15-2009, 05:42 AM
Since you are still alive and posting there is "something" worth living for. Anyone that truly wants to commit suicide can do it. The expression "curiosity killed the cat", should be turned around and be the reason for not only living, but embracing life. The mystery and wonder of "tomorrow" and opportunities tomorrow holds can be limitless. As long as we are still breathing we have opportunity for unimagineable joy and adventure in this thing called life. Focus on some positive aspect of your life. If you can't find anything positive focus on the fact that you are still living and have the opportunity for unlimited joy. It really is up to you also. No one else holds the key to your life, but you.

09-15-2009, 02:43 PM
Yeah you never know, you could wake up one day and it's all gone, or they come up with a miracle cure... that's what keeps me going. You might think a miracle is unlikely, but it's always possible.